We are headed for a pile up of some sort in the MAGAverse in not too long. I make that prediction because Donald Trump, always a man without filters, is becoming more and more unhinged as the days go by. Concurrently, the issues at stake in our lives, the war in Ukraine, the ongoing COVID pandemic and its economic fallout, the Roe v. Wade leaked opinion debacle, are all volatile, as we head into a midterm election.

You take this mix of volatility and immaturity and some kind of a gasket will blow. Which one I don’t know, but I’m keeping my eyes squarely fixed on the possible dissolution of the GOP as it presently exists and some New Conservative party forming.

In any event, Mark Esper was interviewed on 60 Minutes, and here’s a short clip from that to give you the flavor. This is why Trump is incensed this otherwise tranquil Mother’s Day.

That’s the set up. Here is what Toddler Trump responded.

Interesting that there’s “no comment” on the strategic bombing of our ally, Mexico.

Once again, we find out what happens when a reality TV actor tries to deal with actual reality. This is the catastrophe you get.

Here’s another short clip where Esper spoke about 2024 and Trump as a potential candidate.

No, Trump can’t work with anybody because he’s a spoiled trust fund baby who never “managed” anything bigger than an inherited family business — which he proceeded to run into the ground — until he got his hands on leading one of the world’s foremost powers. That was his “internship” if you will, complete with access to the nuclear arsenal.

Here’s a link to the full Esper Interview approximately 13 minutes long.

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