When they say that a week is a lifetime in politics, this is exactly what they’re talking about. Early this week a MSNBC host was talking to Democratic pollster and strategist Cornell Belcher. She asked him about the GOP’s chances in November, and he said something that had me nodding my head up and down like one of those stupid dogs on the back window shelf in a car.

All things being equal, I think the GOP is wishing that the election had been held last month, and not in November. The GOP had Biden on the ropes, and a full ammo box. His poll numbers were weak, Covid was still a thorn in his side, and inflation was dogging him. But Now? Biden is about to announce the first African American woman to the Supreme Court, which will bump his poll numbers, especially among his core African American base. Even blue state Governors are relaxing or removing mask mandates, and soon the CDC will revise its mask mandate and social distancing policy  nationwide. The economy and job numbers are good, and people are learning to live with inflation, at least in the short term. The GOP’s quiver is almost empty.

And I agree 100%, mostly because today’s GOP is a bunch of incomprehensible baboons. In the old days, every GOP incumbent would have been locked in on those messages like a precision military drill team. In 2022? Sane GOP leadership, mostly in the Senate took a swing at it, while everybody else screamed about Stop the Steal and CRT!

And now we can throw Putin and Russia into the mix. But not like the GOP wants to. Right now, Russia is an international pariah, and Putin is the world’s loneliest man. The Ukraine military is giving the Russian military a bloody nose it hadn’t counted on, there are mass protests in cities all over Europe supporting Ukraine, Putin’s own sports superstars, pop music stars, and even the daughter of his personal spokesman have given him shit. China wouldn’t even vote with him in the UN Security Council, and I’ll talk about the sanctions in the next article. Tens of thousands of everyday Russians are taking to the streets daily to protest the war, and hundreds are being arrested and carted off to God knows what.

And what is the semi official response from the two most senior GOP officials that the GOP has, Traitor Tot and Mike Pimp-eo? Just what the party needs going into the midterms. And what are these two walking diaper stains saying to the media, which is getting great airtime on R/T in Russia? Pimp-eo: Putin is a masterful, strong leader, and I have incredible respect for him, incredible respect. And Trumpelforeskin actually called Putin to congratulate him on his decisive leadership in protecting ethnic Russians.

Really? How does this work for the GOP? Right now Biden is being hailed as a global leader for pulling NATO back up by its bootstraps, and presenting a strong, unified front against the Russian version of John Dillinger. Because it’s the Trumpster Fire and Pimp-eo, the vast majority of House incumbents and candidates will fall right in line, but how to the sane GOP incumbents and candidates separate themselves from Trump’s insane view without incurring his wrath for defying him?

Look, unless somebody in Moscow pops a cap in Putin’s ass, which I don’t see happening, this Ukraine crisis isn’t going anywhere. The US and NATO are going to continue to try to find ways to continue to supply the Ukraine military with defensive arms to keep kicking Putin’s ass. And even if Putin overruns Ukraine, he will never pacify it, they will never submit. Which means that they can look forward to seeing campaign ads prominently featuring Trump and Pompeo, with a sonorous voice intoning, Where do YOU stand? The GOP had a cornucopia of issues, and they’re throwing them away and giving the Democrats the best ammo there is. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. I wouldn’t be so sure about no one popping a cap in Putin. Word is he’s gathered a bunch of his oligarchs in some spot in the Urals to keep them from running away. If you think about it (if true and for that reason) it’s a pretty dumbass thing to have done. If he’s there it only takes one to “go Brutus” on him and if he’s not it gives them time to plot, complete with someone shooting streams of water onto the rocks in the sauna to fuck with listening devices as they plot to take his ass out before they go down with him.

  2. Not only that they have faux news with a starting role in Russian news, so there that as well, not to mention our own senate and house praising Putin, and then we have the churches that have supported Putin.


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