The image you see is one that alleged El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius liked on Twitter. That makes sense. Donald Trump pumps out racist and divisive rhetoric on a daily basis and excites the lunatic fringe. So, it’s no wonder that one of his devotees cobbled together the objet d’art you see here, and another one went out and killed twenty people and wounded twenty-six others. These people are the outer limit to where Trump’s hatemongering reaches, before it bounces back and somebody gets hurt.

Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) hit the nail on the head earlier today, regarding the El Paso shooting. He said, “We have a white supremacy problem in this country. We have a gun problem in this country. We have a money in politics problem in this country.” Yes, we do. And today, El Paso, Texas was the nexus point where those elements converged and BOOM! Another mass murder on American soil. Naturally, Trump made a statement on Twitter, followed by other GOP leaders.

This is really simple. The NRA bought it’s way clear of gun control legislation. The GOP bought the NRA philosophy, and the NRA bought the GOP — literally. And that’s why we have twenty more Americans dead from gun violence today and over two dozen more in the hospital. By the way, if you are in the El Paso area, blood is needed.

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    • I am so thrilled to have Jason back on board. Glory be! With four of us cranking, we should be able to keep on top of everything.

      Do you think the troll in the other piece, the one who told me I was “deranged” and “had a loose grasp of reality” will be back? I invited him to post on the Community page, since clearly, he knows more than we do!

      • I am happy Jason is back, too. I doubt the troll will be back. Or, I would be very surprised if he/she did come back. Very funny to invite the troll to write for the community page. It probably scared the coward off.

        • Another crazy came out of the woodwork tonight. I got an email calling me a “communist traitor” and saying that that is why I was a “failure as a lawyer.” Nobody knows anything about my legal career because I don’t talk about it. There was far more success than failure, I assure you. Anyhow, the point is, for a nasty email to be sent, I must be pissing somebody off. I may write a piece on this email. S/he said, “wait until the next five years of Trump.” There are a lot of nut cases in this country — and some of them read PolitiZoom, evidently. Good, we need the traffic.

          • Oh, totally. You know you’re pushing buttons when the crazies come after you. Imagine that, crazies reading our little site. More will be revealed.

          • I’m not worried about the crazies. Remember the one crazy that I took to the bank? That clown who wrote me an email saying he was from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and he listed a bunch of enemies: Jim Acosta and I were on there as “fake news operatives.” I made a joke out of it, “where’s my million dollar contract?” and did a fundraiser for patrons on Daily Kos? Let the crazies come, I’ll take it to the bank again.

          • troll in the other piece? what piece? I want to read it, I’m in a very confrontational mood this am and will rip he/she a new ass, just because. No one fucks with the “Faw”

          • My piece, “The Zeitgeist of Darkness and Despair…” Go read it. It’s actually interesting, how all of this was predictable the day Trump was inaugurated.

          • How stupid and ignorant can a Trump supporter be? I’m out in my front yard last week, 2 redneck cowboys, one in each truck come rumbling down a dirt road, hanging out of the back they both have Trump 2020 flags flying, they are BLUE! Moscow Mitch would be embarrassed, on second thought prolly not as long as “Enping Elaine” gets her cut of the made in China rags.

  1. More and more, I’m getting the sense that these mass shootings will push this nation in the opposite direction much like the famous urban riots of the 1960s did. To be crystal clear on the latter, those came from a place of grievances FAR more legit than the current crop of brownshirt wannabes. But those of a certain age may recall the enormous pushback from those riots which directly to Reagan’s “Morning In America” after the Nixon blunders. Internet is just going to speed up the process.

    My one big regret and sadness is how such pushback is far too late to save far too many.

    • That’s one way to look at it. Another is that if we can finally stop this madness, think of the people who won’t get killed in years to come. That’s always what this has been about, preventing more tragedies.

      • Oh, yeah, Ursula, that’s the whole point of the pushback. I’m just sad that so many gone by these guns won’t benefit from such. My mom felt the same about ACA when it came to her mom, who died from cancer in the early 1990s.


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