Donald Trump loves to use threatening language when it suits him. This is eminently clear in his Truth Social Posts where he continues to deny that President Joe Biden beat him fairly and squarely in the 2020 presidential election. He’s already warned us that he intends to “get revenge” on those he believed wronged him, and it looks very much like he hopes to deep-six the constitutional freedoms most of us hold dear.

He wants a government that is for Trump, of Trump, and by Trump. He’s demonstrated this by pushing a post on Truth Social that links to an article that was deeply critical of the former president. One that makes clear his re-election would turn into an American dictatorship, according to Raw Story. Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) is the author of the post and of course, he’s an ardent Trumper. He included a link to an op-ed in the Washington Post that bears the title A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We Should Stop Pretending.

“Pres. Trump could not win a general election. They tried to launch countless indictments & false allegations to get him off the ballot. now, it’s obvious the americans from all walks of life, not from any singular socioeconomic background, are in staunch support of donald j. trump,” mills wrote.

“All that is the opposite of what we’ve gotten under the failed biden admin,” he concluded.

Mills seems to view Trump’s stint in office through rose-colored glasses and writes “The American people want the economy Trump created, affordable living conditions, safety back in our communities, peace through strength, foreign policies that prevented all-out war, and an America first driven agenda.”

But let’s take a step back for a minute. The economy under Trump did begin to improve but when the coronavirus pandemic hit, the situation definitely went south and multitudes of businesses went under as Trump initially sat on his hands. And that America first driven agenda reawakened a Pandora’s box of unbridled racism that had long been asleep.

Now the economy is improving again, but Americans are feeling the perplexing sting of inflation and we’re currently involved in two wars that we have no business being in. so yes, Biden’s presidency, while there have been many dramatic improvements, it’s not all hearts and flowers.

The article that Mills cites, was written by WaPo editor Robert Kagan who notes that Trump is attempting to use his own criminal indictments to boost his standing among voters. Further, he warns that Trump will fashion his next administration into a personality cult.

“Those who choose to serve in his second administration will not be taking office with the unstated intention of refusing to carry out his wishes,” he writes.

Trump’s administration will be heavily influenced by the extremist right-wing group Heritage Foundation and many “career bureaucrats” will lose their jobs and be replaced by Trump loyalists.

A whole host of reports have already outlined how Trump and GOP interest groups allied with him have worked out plans to strip away all civil service protections in order to base employment within the executive branch on loyalty to Trump and devotion to his orders.

Indeed, a Trump presidency will be a shock to the system and undoubtedly destroy much of what we hold dear. The man is on a mission to ruin those whom he feels hurt him in some way and he will have so much power that nothing will likely stand in his way. We will head down a rabbit hole where no one wants to be.

“If Trump does win the election, he will immediately become the most powerful person ever to hold that office,” Kagan writes. “Not only will he wield awesome powers of the American executive — powers that, as conservatives used to complain, have grown over the decades — but he will do so with the fewest constraints of any president, fewer even than his own first term.”

The idea of this man trampling over the rights we hold dear is a frightening one. But it’s something he’s almost guaranteed to do because he is a vengeful person with a fragile ego that demands constant mollycoddling and attention, and that makes this seem like a very real possibility.

So yes, it’s time to worry. Time to mobilize and keep this man out of office in any way possible.

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  1. Your “… Donald Trump loves to use threatening language when it suits him. This is eminently clear in his Truth Social Posts …” and it’s going to get worse as he ages as a failed, and failing irrelevant POS narcissist, and concurrently, when he spectacularly face-plants in 2024.

  2. (Moderator’s note: While your initial sentence wasn’t an overt threat it could be taken as such by many people so it was removed)
    When you join the military you take the following oath”
    “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
    I direct your attention to the following:
    ”… defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; …”
    Is not Trump an enemy of the Constitution? Is he not a domestic enemy?
    Food for thought if we really want to save this country.

    • I took that oath both when I became a Marine and later as a civilian employee (FEMA, Disaster Temporary worker) and I took those words to heart. They weren’t, and aren’t just words to recite. They have a deep and profound meaning to countless people. I agree completely that Trump is a domestic enemy and while violence can’t be condoned or shouldn’t even be secretly wished for much less advocated against Trump or his supporters we CAN and SHOULD do all we can to mobilize those of us who believe service to the Constitution and not a person is what matters to register and vote.

  3. I also see what TFG says as a threat, but he will most surely go after all bloggers and the like to make them pay for bad mouthing him. I have already warned those that really care about me that if I disappear to know that it will be because of that. I fear for those I admire that write these articles. You let the truth be known when “regular” news reporting is so lax these days as to be nonexistent.


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