Oh, dear gawd, this is getting comical. And fast. The right-wing media machine has found a new shiny object, vis a vis Jenna Ellis advising Donald Trump to accept Ron DeSantis’s offer of “sanctuary” and remain in Florida, rather than go to New York for arraignment, which is currently on calendar for Tuesday.

What happened is that Trump’s attorneys had already said that Trump would voluntarily surrender in New York.

But DeSantis, never one to miss an opportunity to peacock and bluster, decided to look like a hero, so he said this.

Nobody has made any “extradition request.” The plans for Trump’s surrender to authorities have already been confirmed. But, that doesn’t make for a great right-wing media story. Newsmax can’t make a dime off of it, if Trump just shows up. So Jenna Ellis decided to get into the mix.

That gets us back to DeSantis. He has no sanctuary to give. His abilities, under the law, are fairly circumscribed. But that’s not how this is going to be played, likely. This could mushroom into a cause celebre. The spectacle of Trump hiding out at Mar-a-Lago and saying, “Na na na na na, come in and get me, copper,” is what they’re aiming for. And DeSantis is right in the crosshairs and he is clueless. That’s the sideshow to Trump’s center ring spotlight. VICE News:

Trump’s lead over his GOP rivals for the nomination has only grown as his legal jeopardy deepened. His legal drama appears set to overshadow the GOP nomination, creating an obstacle course for Trump’s Republican opponents. That includes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has already fumbled over the tricky task of trying to look like he’s defending Trump, while simultaneously capitalizing on his peril.

DeSantis announced on Thursday evening that he would not assist in extraditing Trump from Florida in response to the indictment. Trump allies and pundits mocked DeSantis’ stance as empty posturing. Trump’s attorneys had already said Trump would voluntarily surrender in New York. And the extradition clause of the Constitution, which says that states must cooperate with such requests, gives DeSantis only limited room to create a delay, but not grounds to actually stop the proceedings, legal experts say.

This is the true state of where things stand. Now, whatever the right-wing media bubble decides it needs to generate, is a matter of speculation. The broad brush strokes are being created, as we speak, for where right wingnuttia is going and at the most extreme end of the fantasy spectrum, we find a martyred Donald Trump sitting in jail. But wait — Election Day, November 5, 2024 is right around the corner and the people will vote.

And behold, they do! And MAGA prevails! Trump is elected by a landslide and he will govern — possibly from his jail cell. Yes, this has been speculated. Nobody in our history has walked down this path before and the constitutional scholars are burning the midnight oil trying to figure out what the constitution does or does not say about a situation such as this one.

Trump could still run for president from behind bars, say the experts. And he could win the election from behind bars. And then I guess he could pardon himself, although a person acting as a judge in a case where they are a defendant goes against the grain of all common sense, not to mention logic of jurisprudence, for the past several thousand years that history has been recorded.

But it sounds good. It’s got a romantic appeal to it. And that romantic appeal will get the MAGAs to open their wallets and that’s what the right-wing media bubble is counting on. It’s all about clicks. Clicks on articles, clicks on tweets, the click click of the 16-digit cards being debited. It’s all one electronic economic ecosystem.

Stay tuned. You’re going to hear a lot of crazy propositions in the not too distant future. Plus, Trump’s trial(s) is going to be wild. That’s a virtual certainty.


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  1. Why is this being made so complicated??? If Trump-O doesn’t turn himself in send the US Marshals to arrest him and if Death Satan interferes in any way, have the FBI arrest him for obstruction of justice.

    The time for playing games with these FN asshats has come and gone.

  2. Newsflash Alanis: irony isn’t a fly in your wine, my glass never seems to have that problem; drink faster. Second, rain on your wedding days is either bad luck or poor planning, check the forecast next time like you plan to sleep outdoors far from home. Irony is the micky mouse fascist talking about authoritarian government. Where’s my goddamn frozen margaritas?

    • Newsflash Scott: It’s not “news” when you’re referencing a nearly thirty year old song and calling out “newsflash.”

      And, since I truly doubt that Alanis reads this site, it’s, well, frankly stupid to be tagging her.

      I’m also at a loss to understand how “the micky mouse fascist talking about authoritarian government” is an example of “irony” when it’s just blatant hypocrisy. There’s no “irony” there, Scott. DeSantis has been doing his best to create an authoritarian government in Florida (and he’s not been particularly shy about it–he won’t come out and admit it but that’s the nature of the scorpion) so his ranting and raving about an “authoritarian” Federal government? That’s hypocrisy. NOT “irony.’

      • And you represent the flaw in the Dem response to Trump Joseph? Dems eat their own, no hint of Trump controversy no judgement on his extra curricular activities in and around money, and you get to show everyone how smart you are. Isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think? And yes Mary it is, as in this case. Turns out Joseph YOU are ironic, way to work the blog, I’m impressed!

  3. Hmmm. This is war. Glad Colorado (?) state bar (?) hammered her for her nonsense with the big steal. Oops they gave her a wet noodle. That really smarted. Yay team

  4. As I noted in an article yesterday Trump accepting help from DeSantis is something he simply wouldn’t be able to bring himself to do. First because he’s the “all powerful Trump” and will put on his most brazen display of “I’m gonna crush Bragg” bravado. Accepting help from DeSantis to drag things out some would rain on that parade. Second, from a PR/campaign viewpoint letting DeSantis in on the action would be truly boneheaded. Instead, Trump can use DeSantis offer against him in a series of “what makes Ron think I need ANY help from him?” statements. Being Trump he can beat DeSantis into dust with this.

    As things stand, voluntarily surrenderning allows Trump to put on a bullshit show airing all the Trump hits: Persecution, witch hunt etc. and raised tons of money. if they have to issue a federal warrant for him the “show” would be a very different one, with his own Secret Service detail taking part in taking him into custody and hauling his ass off to NYC! That’s not a look Trump would want the country to see.

    • Well, since MAGAts are a funny and fickle bunch, how many of them will lose respect for Trump if he “surrenders” to the woke Manhattan prosecutor without a fight? How many opportunistic GOP presidential contenders will attack him as “weak”? To the GOP fools who really believe “this is war,” let’s hope the fighting is confined within their party.

    • Here’s what Trump will do, bluster, bluster, bluster, till the trial actually begins, then a total turn of plea to guilty on all charges thereby avoiding a very, very informative trial, and damaging as well. He’ll reverse his plea and throw himself on the mercy of the court avoiding a lengthy and expensive trial, and the judge in the case will sentence Trump to a token term some place nice. A couple of years should suffice and then “Mr. pres. you have paid your debt to society why not run for the White House?” And there you have it?

    • Depending on how she was acting around Jan 06 her little fanny may find itself in the slammer with her Lord and Master and her with it?

  5. Destinkus is going to get a first hand example of what “weaponization” looks like when he is featured in the next zapruder film….


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