At this point, I really don’t know what Senate Republicans want in a border bill. Other than perhaps turning the border into Alcatraz for immigrants brave enough to try and cross it. If they really wanted to be clever, they could adopt Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s razor-wire trick. Because the vast number of GOPers who inhabit Capitol Hill couldn’t give a culo de rata about the welfare of the immigrants still braving the border. So I have to conclude that perhaps their dander is up because the bill offers aid to Ukraine.

So now, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) is calling “BS” on Senate Republicans, and even singling them out by name because they have consistently failed to pass the huge border and military funding measure for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan — a bill that he coauthored, according to The New Civil Rights Movement.

So who did Murphy chew out first? Senator/MAGA surrogate Tim Scott (R-S.C.). Scott had told Fox News, “The left want an open, insecure border. The conservatives and common sense independents, we want a secure America. That means you have to control your back door.”

For Murphy, this meant bombs away.

“bullshit,” Murphy declared on social media early tuesday. “we reached a bipartisan compromise to give the president enormous new powers to control the border. almost every single republican — including Sen. Scott — voted against it because trump told them to keep the border a mess because it might help him politically.”

Next in line was Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, who asserted “The recent bill would have been worse than doing nothing by codifying [Biden’s] open border policies into law.”

Murphy, apparently one to not waste words, fired back “Bullsh*t. The bipartisan border bill that Sen. Johnson’s party asked for and then voted against because Trump said so would have






I suspect Murphy has a point when he suggests Republicans are pandering to Trump, even as some have voiced concerns about funding to Ukraine. I believe we should also be offering aid to Palestine, rather than to the country that is busy committing genocide, but that’s just me. Republicans are largely pro-Israel, so I doubt any are complaining about that part of the bill.

But Murphy is understandably upset with Republicans because this bill would undoubtedly make the border more secure. It would certainly do a better job than Trump’s failed/embarrassing border wall, and Murphy’s next target was Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.).

She’d posted “Even Secretary Mayorkas has said what’s happening at the southern border ‘certainly is a crisis.’ It’s past time the Biden administration put a stop to this madness. CLOSE the border.”

Murphy fired back “Senator Blackburn knows the bill would have actually allowed to close parts of the border when crossings get too high. But who would book Republicans on cable news if the border was actually under control? That’s why they killed it.”

Republicans almost defy belief here. They would have supported Biden here if they wanted a more secure border. They would actively seek effective ways to deal with this (other than stringing razor wire across the Rio Grande). These people seek to hobble Biden in every way that they can.

Some are almost certainly trying to help Trump so that he can keep yelling his racist tropes (y’know, “Bad Hombres,” and all that crap). Of course, they willfully overlook the humanitarian crisis at the border and in Israel. Republicans have been doing this for years. Remember how they fought former President Barack Obama over Obamacare? They finally gave up the fight but Trump still says he wants to repeal it if he becomes president in 2024. Even though he failed to repeal it while he was actually in office.

I fully believe nearly all Republicans are only interested in helping their wealthy and corporate benefactors. Trump is no different and some GOPers maintain an alliance with him perhaps because they think he’ll do them favors. Even if he does love to read The Snake poem.


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  1. If the Republicans didn’t have lies, hypocrisy, greed, racism, misogyny and a brain dead religious belief system…what else could they offer? Oh right…thoughts and prayers. my bad.


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