The Unholy Trinity of the Senate right now is Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton. Cotton spoke out in anti-governmental procedure terms, which are frankly shocking. Take a listen to this ten second clip and you see if it sounds as confrontational and tribal as it is being perceived.

Now, in plain English, doesn’t this distill down to, “I will obstruct anybody the Democrats put forth — regardless of qualification — because they’re the enemy. I’m only going to support my red state, Trump-loving, fellow tribe members and their nominees?”

And you are only going to see more of this. This tribally-fueled outrage is what keeps the rubes on edge and sending in the donations. Cotton and the rest of them have to keep preaching that the Democrats are really Chinese communists and that level of rot — and they’re happy to do it, if it makes the cash register ring.

This is the new GOP, leadership you can depend on.

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  1. I take one look at Cotton’s face in photos like this, note the red eyes and wide pupils, and wonder, “What drugs is he on?” Or is it perhaps just pure malignant narcissism with extra strength sadistic vindictiveness and anger issues?


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