Just when you were on pins and needles to grab the 21st copy of the J6 Committee final report, hot off of the presses, only to find that it won’t be ready until tomorrow? Welcome to the real world fool! This is just another reminder that the US congress and US government perform no better than any other monolithic organization that answers to nobody! Delays and bullshit are the stock in trade.

But anybody out there who honestly thinks that all of the steam has gone out of the investigation just because the J6 committee wrapped up their hearings, published a final report, and disbanded is fooling themselves. Because the J6 committee was a public facing committee, which held multiple televised public hearings, and advised the public as to what they were up to.

Because pretty much from day 1, the United States Department of Justice has been conducting their own investigation into January 6th. Not just the insurrection, although that was the easy, low hanging media fruit, but also into the origins that led to the insurrection. And because we are no longer mired in the regime of Traitor Tot, KKKeebler the Elf, and Tubby the Ewok, the Justice Department speaks the old fashioned way. Through their court filings, and not through bullshit press conferences. Which pisses a short attention span American public off no end.

But those court filings, both in terms of the scope of the Mar-A-Lago search warrant, saw well as subpoenas for documents and grand jury testimony before the DOJ DC grand jury, show that the DOJ is much farther along than anybody than me anybody gave them credit for. And they’re kicking ass and taking names.

Yesterday I wrote an article characterization of the J6 report of and others. In which I laid out a whole rogues gallery of merry fre report of ebooters who were likely to get caught up in the J6 committee’s characterisation of And others. And I stand by my reporting. But there is a critical difference that needs to be taken into effect.

When I wrote my article, I broke the list of miscreants down into two separate shit buckets. The Trump administration mip0ort term of screants, and the swing states false elector shit bucket. And that is going to cause a lengthy discord between the two. Here’s why.

The first, Trump associate shit bucket is chock-a-block full of shitheels that are all basically DCa based, and worked from there. And so, the DC DOJ is already looking at them, and will either haul them before the DC grand jury, or bring their sins before the same grand jury. And they’re full speed ahead.

But the 2nd shit bucket had to do with GOP state officials, and GOP state legislators that participated in a conspiracy to submit fraudulent slates of Trump electors to the US congress and the National Archives. That’s a crime, but it’s almost certainly not going to be prosecuted out of DC.

The DC Trump shit bucket is already well within the pipeline, being investigated by the DC DOJ attorneys and investigators, and any crimes will be prosecuted based on the already existing DC grand jury federal indictments. But the same doesn’t hold true otherwise.

In the 2nd shit bucket, while there may well be coordination between the local GOP officials and GOP legislators with the Trump miscreants, their sins were locally committed. Which means that their crimes do not fall within the purview of the DC grand jury, since the crimes were not committed in their jurisdiction.

Look, we already know that the DOJ is strongly looking at these shitheels because of the subpoenas they’ve served to force document and grand jury testimony production. But it won’t be the DC DOJ and the DC grand jury that oversee these cases.

That job will fall on the US Attorneys in the proper district of the state they represent. Main Justice will funnell any information they get in response to their subpoenas, but it will be up to the local state US Attorneys to work the cases, and convene the necessary grand juries. Add once they do that, then it will be up to the US Attorneys in PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, and GA to file charges following their indictments.

All of which will involve variable timelines widely divergent to what you hear going on in DC. So while you watch the Roman Circus of charges coming out from the DC grand jury and preparing for trial, just remember that is going to take these state US Attorney Generals months to catch up with Washington. My best guess? We won’t see the last of the fraudulent electoral vote trials for at least 2 years. You’re just going to have to look for them. But I guarantee, it will be well worth the effort. The DOJ has these shitheels nailed to the wall.

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  1. All of the above is why I sneer at the “hurry up already!” and “Garland is a weakling!” crowd. I am especially disappointed by it coming from my age bracket or older, none of whom have excuses for being this damned ignorant or gullible (and yeah, that kind of crippling cynicism makes you even more of a mark than any idealist). Defaulting to one’s pet prejudices only makes you look like a moron when the world doesn’t end on your schedule. As of right now, Doomsday is cancelled until further notice.

    • U sneer from the comfort that you have never been the victim of the injustice of the law that acts decisively and quickly to detain poor folks who then sit in jail due to the unjust bail system. Then they get no defense because lawyers dont work effectively for free. They work with the system to get out of their role as public defender. That how people get forced into plea deals. If they choose to go to trial, then the law violates the speedy trial rule and moves at the speed you like. Poor folks sit in jail SUSPECTED of a crime, not proven. Trump has been a career criminal for decades without prosecution and the hypocrisy of the law has been up front for his multiple crimes, including getting caught with top secret documents. Everyone wants it done right but to pretend it’s gone along like it would for someone without power, money, titles, etc., is not true and is supreme naivety. There have been multiple former federal prosecuters who worked in the department and know the deal better than YOU, who have expressed questions concerning the process and the lack of charges to date. You sit in Tennessee sneering? Arrogance. Maybe Garland will do the right thing. Maybe he won’t. Of course, since YOU are such an expert on what’s going on behind the scenes, please do enlighten us & be sure to contact multiple former DOJ prosecutors who express concern that Garland may be more concerned with the fallout of an unprecedented prosecution than with his public statements about equal treatment. If the law hadn’t already let Trump slide on decades of crimes then he may not have stolen the office to begin with. To pretend it’s not a system that coddles the rich is a LIE, and so the frustration is justified. What’s not is your arrogance and judgment on those voices calling for justice. It’s those very voices that have called the system to count time and again. Of course you are a full glass of knowledge and no one apparently can add a single drop to your glass.

      • The kids have a term for the screed above: what-aboutisms. All of it ignores how there is a galaxy of difference between everything you ranted about and the stone cold facts of THIS situation. The former mostly deals with folks like us who are likely always going to be bottom of the totem pole and rich folks who know their lane regardless of ethics (see Jeff Bezos). Good, bad, doesn’t change the math on the greater course of events. The latter deals with an existential threat to the system in place. If the system wants to survive, it has to deal with it decisively but in such a way that it gets to remain intact. That means slow, prodding procedures which fail to give you the sweet rush of revenge you jones for.

        Teri Kanefield frets quite constantly about whether democracy can survive because of this ugly need for quick, exciting action. Like it or not, democracy is a lot slower than that, requiring more from the people in one than any of your angry impatience.

  2. That’s all true. The question is whether career beauracrats have the COURAGE to bring these shitheels(can’t think of a better description), to justice. We are fighting a well funded neofascist movement with hundreds of elected officials in their pocket or cowered by fear of repercussions from their donors and the mob. Courage is found in warriors fighting for their very lives,(Ukraine), but rarely found in people who have been INSIDE the beauracry of the law. The hypocrisy of how the law ACTUALLY works versus the rhetoric has been with us from the jump. However, THIS is the moment in our history where the decision makers at the federal & state DOJ could do incredible good by actually living up to EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW. They could restore respect, & demonstrate that no one is immune from prosecution no matter their wealth, connections, or the threats of the mob. If they do, the republic will recover from this debacle. If they don’t, we are lost. It will encourage the corrupt to marshal their forces & bend our history toward fascism. Go far enough down that road and there will be no turning back. Germany ended in ruin by sliding incrementally into fascism. They did not rebuild themselves. The Marshall plan rebuilt them. Who will put the most powerful nation on earth back on its feet if the DOJ fails us? Those who believe divine intervention will save us ignore the fact that nothing of the sort has ever saved one child, didn’t save millions slaughtered time & again. Not gonna happen. It’s in the hands of the DOJ. All they have to do is focus on the last word of their moniker…justice. Oh and have the courage of a solider forced into battle. This is a war and you only win wars with warriors…not beauracrats.

  3. Hey bare…he who throws stones hiding behind a moniker. The congress member on the ways and means committee just reported the IRS violated its mandate to audit President Trump who reported millions in undocumented deductions. They didn’t start until 2019 when the committee sent a letter to them. The day of in fact. He reported that 33% of poor folks getting child earned credit were audited. You have proven my point of your arrogance. ‘Stone cold facts’? Ridiculous that you believe you are in possession of the stone cold facts. It’s clear you pontificate to promote your own belief you know better than anyone what is really going on. Now that’s really a line of horseshit. Hey join the military. Put your ass on the line. Get out of the backwoods and see the real world where injustice in built into every legal system set up by the people in power to keep themselves in power. Pointing out the truth is not what aboutism. Impatient? That’s rich. Two years after frump helps organize, promote, protect and incite a violent overthrow as an illegitimate president and he’s still out there doing it…impatient? That’s a good one. Hey get off ur ass and go do something violent against the government and go public and see if they sit back and let you pontificate then. Or steal 11,000 documents, 100 of which are in the highest classification of secrecy, ignore a suponea, lie on signed documents you don’t have them, then go public and say they’re yours and see how the system really works. As I said since you are such an ‘expert’ who knows the ‘stone cold facts’, enlighten us misguided old folks who have MUCH more experience than you have or ever would want. Waiting. And stop being cowardly and use your real name as I do. That’s what I call a ‘stone cold fact’.

  4. I have very little faith in the “judicial system” through personal experience. As far as I am concerned, the only part of it that is not corrupt and incompetent is the jury portion. Case in point, the mafia, RICO and corporate America. The mafia is still going strong, RICO has not been used to clear out SCOTUS and corporate America obeys no laws.
    so fuck all of you “legal experts”. The average American has NO DUE PROCESS, but the scum in DC sure do.


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