It’s the nature of the grotesque that you cannot look away from it. Here is an example of that concept, expressed brilliantly by Ron DeSantis — and not for the first time, I might add. I am aghast that DeSantis was put in this position. But then I was aghast when those videos came out with the homoerotic images of oiled up musclemen. Even Pete Buttigieg was aghast at that. Then there was the video where marching troops headed towards DeSantis as the picture of the Nazi symbol, sonnengrad, faded in over his face. Another epic moment.

Then there were the white go go boots. That was memorable. And it’s not just DeSantis. It’s his kooky wife. She was encased in a leather jacket in Iowa on a day where everybody else was wearing tank tops and shorts. People were taking odds whether she would faint or not and hoping that she wasn’t holding the two-year-old when she did. But this photo takes the cake. If in the unlikely event that DeSantis does end up on the GOP ticket, watch for this as a centerpiece in DNC ads.

DeSantis claims to be 5’11” did you know that? And let me be clear: I’m not mocking the man because he’s short. I’m mocking him because he’s ridiculous and tone deaf. Surely he had some instinct that told him that the angle of the mic and this entire arrangement was not flattering. I guess not.

Remember this debacle? And the same day, Trump snarled at a reporter from the Associated Press, “I am the president of the United States and you’re a lowlife.” This was one of Trump’s most cringeworthy afternoons and that is saying a mouthful.

Ron could have at least grabbed a couple of books to minimize this. What’s that you say? He banned them all? Sorry. You’re right, I forgot. This is Florida we’re talking about. Wait until Trump’s meme people get hold of this one. There is going to be one vicious take down, I’ll tell you what.

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    • “Help, Voters! I’m over here! I’m over here!” And a big orange spider says, “Gulp,” and that’s that. Next.

      I seriously cannot wait to see what’s going to happen January 15. Whacky news items are coming up like popcorn, one right after another. It’s impossible to predict, even three weeks out.

  1. You’re right. Trump’s gonna have some fun with this one. It’s a really weird feeling looking forward to a Trump insult isn’t it?

  2. It seems the GOP in all its ugly glory suffers from a terrible physical problem …

    Their tiny brains keep making huge mistakes, like letting out farts through their mouths when it’s obvious they really have nothing they should be trying to say in the first place, simply because they have NOTHING but more BS and moldy rhetoric …

    Trump is massively stupid, there cannot be many more stupid then himself … Dumb De Dumb is like a tumble weed caught in a tornado, I expect there will be a great shock and awe moment when his head actually bobbles off on camera …

    When Trump gets the bad news that Smith is ready to drop the hammer on him and the SCOTUS has nothing for him …

    There better not be anyone in throwing distance of chairs and desks … Trump in full panic and desperation could do the most damage to clerks and jury members/Judges that say he is done … in any event, Trump’s slipping into a Hell of his own making, never EVER held responsible, played at being a mega money man, while actually being less of a man then an earthworm waiting their turn at catching fish …

    Trump’s outburst against people he says should go to hell, should make the Judges mad enough to double or triple Trump’s fines and suggest/order him to spend some time in a local holding cell … to understand how really little he is and how big the ticked-off states are going to be when they present him with his own very shiny cuffs and time away from Mar-o-golf …

  3. Wonder what the angry little Ron’s ‘Plan B’ is? … A plan that’s just as grotesque, or maybe, even more hideously disembowelling, from a fatalistic political fall, or push, onto his cutlass?


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