I don’t know whether you file this under mental illness or abject stupidity, possibly both. The video you’re about to see from MAGA will put you on the floor. These people are embarrassingly stupid and they make me ashamed to be an American. Not that that’s an original feeling, unfortunately. I don’t know if you’ve traveled in Europe, but a great many Americans do, and when we do we get the opportunity to experience why a lot of Europeans hate Americans and consider us boorish. Some of our fellows behave very poorly and have no respect for any culture different from their own.

Many was the time I would be in a restaurant or bar in France, where I lived for a brief time, and some American idiot would be making an ass out of him or herself and I would morph into a Canadian, for my own protection. “Je suis née en Montreal,” I would claim to the person next to me, and then we could watch the ugly American together, as shocked compatriots. And there were times when some American would literally walk over to the person making a public display and say, “Could you just cool it? You’re embarrassing the rest of us.” That said, I never experienced anything like this. These are members of the Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces party, they don’t believe the leopard will eat theirs.

As I said, Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces, it can only happen to other people, the leopard won’t eat mine. Wrong. Now, if you’re ready to unscrew your head and just leave it on the coffee table and check out, here’s some context.

So he got around 55,000 votes last night, in a state where there are over 750,000 registered Republicans. And, as reported last night, 47% of the people who did caucus, voted for somebody else. So he’s not exactly creating an avalanche here. Although an avalanche is not what’s needed to win, especially in our skewed, gerrymandered electoral system.

Here’s a sobering quote from from the Wall Street Journal. “He could be a convicted felon by the summer, and the Iowa entrance poll showed that no fewer than 32% of GOP caucus-goers said that a conviction would be disqualifying. But by then it may be too late for Republicans to choose another candidate. Meantime, Mr. Trump won’t get on stage with anyone unless Granite State voters make a race of it.”

The Journal said something else that I frankly couldn’t believe. “The four Democratic indictments and attempts to strike him from the ballot have also rallied many Republicans behind Mr. Trump to put a thumb in the eye of the Democratic left. The polls show that support for Mr. Trump popped after his initial indictment last March, and it has climbed in the wake of the others.” I can’t believe that the Journal is referring to these matters as “Democratic indictments” — but at least they stopped short of “Democrat indictments,” I suppose we should show some gratitude. Trump was indicted because of an abundance of evidence which indicates he broke the law. It is not a political ploy and for a newspaper of this stature to refer to it as such hits a new low in journalism. God help us.

There’s the state of play the morning after the Iowa Caucus. Here’s a bit more context.

The Des Moines Register pre-caucus poll also found that among these gung-ho Republicans, six percent would support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rather than Trump, and eight percent would seek another third party choice. Bottom line: At least 25 percent of Iowa Republican caucus-goers say they will not vote for Trump in the general.

That’s significant. Our elections are decided by a few thousand votes in five swing states. Admittedly, Iowa is not one of those swing states, but if large numbers of Republicans in ruby-red Iowa are saying they will not vote for Trump in the general election, what does that suggest about Republicans in places like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia?

Eleven percent of Republicans in Iowa tell a pollster that they will vote for Biden. Biden, the guy everyone says even Democrats are having trouble working up enthusiasm for. Whatever those misgivings may be, I very much doubt that 25 percent of Democratic primary voters would say they’re thinking of voting for Trump or a third party.

The interest in third parties remains a serious challenge, but if we’re indulging in hope, we can see the work ahead. Independents are even more determined to prevent Trump from gaining another term than the minority of Republicans who have drawn a line against him. Some, perhaps many, independents have not yet processed that we really will be facing another Trump/Biden choice in November. Once Trump is in front of their faces again, they will remember why he’s unacceptable—just as the January 6 hearings in the summer of 2022 may have driven down Trump’s approval.

The undimmed Trump support among the most ensorcelled bloc of Republicans shouldn’t blind us to the other news from Iowa—there’s a saving remnant out there, and we need to buttress them before November.

“There’s a saving remnant out there.” Wow. I never thought I would live to see the day when the continuation of democracy in America was contingent upon a saving remnant. But I guess I have.

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  1. What does it say when a significant portion of republicans in IA, a “ruby red” state, vote for someone other than former guy? It says we’re going to have this constant and seemingly never-ending “stolen election” dumb-fuckery until the mango moron leaves the living. THAT is what it means. What? Does anyone think he will not use that same garbage should he lose the republican nomination?

    In 2020 the idiot lost by literally MILLIONS of f*cking votes. MILLIONS. That did not stop him from lying not only about the election result but also about our election system/process. We are the GOLD STANDARD where elections are concerned. We are the MODEL for other nations. These criminal f*cks took that honor and smeared it with feces-the feces that is spewed from their pie-holes every effing time they open them.

    It is a sad state of affairs when the only hope a nation has is for an extraordinarily ignorant demagogue to expire due to an unhealthy and dissolute life. Until such an event occurs, our nation will not be safe. Even worse– it cannot be assumed that the damage done thus far is even repairable.

    • With that crazy electoral system where you don’t get to actually elect a president, but you elect people who will elect one, you are scarcely the envy of any nation where every vote actually goes to the candidate and not to a panel.

      Additionally, voting rights for anyone convicted are only suspended while they are actually in hail. As their ‘debt to society’ is reckoned to be ‘paid’ when they walk out the fate, they are again eligible to vote.

      Oh and just about everywhere except England runs a system of proportional representation where weak (or third party vote spoilers) get eliminated early on and their second preferences get allocated to the remaining candidates.

      All in all, with your archaic electoral system and your abysmal health care system, I’m afraid that you aren’t really the object of much envy

  2. I am just shaking my head. These people don’t even know what it would be like. If we had a dictator, my friends, family, acquaintances even enemies would all be in danger. We wouldn’t have a country worth saving. VOTE BLUE!

  3. Mythbusters proved there’s actually something to the “slapping some sense into someone” thing. It would take a lot more than a slap to give these asshats a dose of common sense.

  4. No. What we need less of are ignorant nazis like you dumbphucks. I know how I would fix immigration…deport traitors like you and allow poor desperate people at the border into the country who appreciate the opportunities that democracy gives to its citizens.

  5. ‘They don’t understand that it won’t just be the “Libs”
    and minorities who will lose rights; they will too!”

    Active Measures? how do they work?
    the USSR started that in the 70’s and
    slowly cooked America’s existence into
    what we see today. if we all don’t
    act and vote accordingly they will be completed…


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