We may not have the votes in the Senate to impeach the two reprobates pictured above but Congresspersons Ted Lieu and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are hoping that they can muster the votes in that chamber to officially brand them as liars.

Occupy Democrats

“A couple of Democratic Congresspeople want to make sure that those Supreme Court justices who mislead Congress during their confirmation hearings into believing that they considered Roe v. Wade settled precedent don’t go unpunished for their deceit. Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) posted to Twitter a copy of a letter that he co-wrote with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and sent to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) expressing their concerns about the continuing legitimacy of a Supreme Court populated with liars.”

Below are screenshots of the letter sent to Schumer:

And here are their Tweets announcing their intentions.

Sad to say I doubt that the Democrats in the Senate will have the stomach to even bring this to the floor, let alone muster all 50 votes required to pass it.

And we know for certain no Republicans would vote yea.

Still, I comment AOC and Lieu for their effort.

Liars should definitely have to wear the name.

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  1. I hope that once the DOJ is finished w/J6 that they will then turn to the investigation Sen Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) requested more than a year ago. He specifically wanted to know if Kavanaugh committed perjury and who paid off all his debts prior to his hearing.

    • Impeachment does not automatically include conviction, and convition by the Senate is, to be charitable, unlikely. Also conviction in an impeachment carries no prison time, nor any other penalty except the loss of the position in which one is being impeached.

      Yes, I realize any CEO of nyany corporation would fire in a heartbeat any employee who was d proven to have lied on his or her job application. Sadly, SCOTUS doesn’t work that way.

    • To remove them from office, it requires a majority vote of 2/3 of the Senators (usually understood of those “present and voting”) just as it does to remove a President from office.

  2. As long as they & thomas have lifetime appointments to MAKE LAW FOR THE REST OF US, the LAW will remain just another gun to OUR collective heads. It has no claim to truth, to justice, to fairness, or to any fucking claim to divinity. Only lawyers believe they are doing good. Whatever ‘good’ gets done is miniscule compared to the ongoing damage of its elitism & hypocrisy. Fact.

  3. I would lke to see Thomas gone – yesterday – and Alito as well. It would also be nice to dump Kavanaugh and Barrett. Gorsuch I would not mind leaving in place. Yes, I know, he’s a reactionary like the rest, but he has one thing they don’t, and that is his staunch recognition of Native American tribal sovereignty, and his determination to uphold treaties made with native ameircans by the US. A lot of Dems don’t even have that. And if we could get rid of the first four, we could outvote them on other things. I do agree that he told the exact same lies the other four did, but I just think he’s the best of the five (or the least worst, if you prefer that term.)

  4. If it wasn’t before, it most definitely is now; time to increase the number of justices on the court.

    AND impeach these reprobates.


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