Granted, we all live in worlds of our own creation, but the evangelicals take it to a new level. There are sects within that sect that believe that a war in heaven is taking place and of course what’s comical about that, is the concept that Donald Trump is the warrior angel who will save us all. Be that as it may, here’s the set up that you need to watch. This will tell you what led up to today’s angelic reset at the White House.

That was a few days ago and here is today’s contribution.

Interesting that he has to read from his script, when all he did was say “reset” seven times. Seems like that’s a pretty simple line to learn. And this is getting around, this angelic reset. It is a thing.

The Evangelicals claim to be “Christians” yet they detest other Christian religions and they are not crazy about the Jews, either. The most radical amongst them think Jesus was a liberal wimp.

I agree with that thought. We can’t cast the demons out of politics but in some races we can win and hold the line.

In any event, reset or no, Joe Biden was still running the country the last time I looked. Or his hologram or his clone, you call the shot how you please. And thank God that whatever you’re doing with your life, you’re not standing on a lawn near the White House and chanting “reset” in order to effect change in this country.

The only thing that will reset this country is Get Out The Vote — chant it if you feel like it, but do it in any case.

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  1. Yes we need to get out the voters to vote out every republican everywhere, especially school boards! We cannot allow our children to be indoctrinated by the Q-Nuts and Right Wing Nut Jobs!!

  2. personally, I find this guy to be low-key boring. Bring back what’s her name babbling in tongues while some guy holding papers and a “raincoat” (I think?) was walking back and forth behind her.. I’m easily amused. aren’t I?

    • Every time I hear one of these idiots screaming about demons and morality I think of Dom De Louise in Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Or Elmer Gantry.

      We are now on Pastor Watch.I am taking bets on which one will be first to be caught with a woman not his wife, a minor female,or a rentboy

  3. WOW, this episode of mightier than thou, extreme right babel apparently is supposed to get membership locked in to condemning the Biden Crew …

    Question 1: How do we know this is NOT just another message from Lucifer himself?

    Question 2: Perhaps, Lucifer likes to wear faded plaid shirts on a very warm day, along with a wad of colorful wrist bands … What would Jesus think of a mere man putting words into Jesus’s mouth? Such talk at such a high level of familiarity with Jesus’s very personal being and desires, makes me wonder if this man has refined and uses time travel to speak for Jesus himself? Otherwise, this guy is using a book that has gone through hundreds of translations from hand written notes, that would certainly make for distorted proclamations, best left to individuals to believe whatever they want, staying out of our rules of law and Constitution as well as our front lawns …

    Statement 1: Back when, “The Church held total power in the form of the Pope”, the way that worked out, with religion being, the maximum interloper with any form of government, there were crusades consisting of huge horses with armed knights, prepared and instructed to kill anyone that did not accept the church, with the Pope as the most important man next to the God of the heavens …

    • I’m like Bill.Mayer’s version of Jesus as he greeted Falwell wearing birdie sticks with socks, gold lame nuthuggers, and a pink muscle shirt with a rainbow flag, saying,”I am so ooo not talking to you.”

      He will.probably greet Pope Benny 16 and John Hagee and Joel.Osteen and Benny Hind and Robert Jefferies the same way. That section of gonna be very crowded.

  4. Ok. So, this dude tells us the WH has magically been “reset” by God/Jeebus. That the angels have come in and infused everyone with… well, whatever. So all the Evangelicals out there can now rest easy. Everything the folks in the WH do now is “God’s Will” and done by people he’s “sanctified.” For some reason I don’t think Evangelicals are going to be happy with God/Jeebus because in the days, months and years ahead the same President and people will be there getting things done for our country and ALL the people in it. Things that these “Christians” don’t approve of because people who don’t think/believe as they do are being helped. I don’t think their itty-bitty intolerant minds will be able to sort it out! I would however enjoy watching their heads explode.

  5. Sheets is ludicrous. Not much different from those evangelical charlatans who prayed for Obama’s death – remember them? Well, I got news for them. They need some serious remediation in the scriptures they profess to believe in but ignore. Here’s what Matthew says about the attitude of (not) their Jesus, Chapter 7:
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Pretty clear what Jesus thinks of these creeps.


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