Today is one of those moments where if you found yourself waking up from cryogenic freeze in the year 2021 and turned on the TV set you would find yourself asking, “Where the hell am I? Is this America?” Because whatever time in history you went to sleep nobody was on the television set calling for the mass executions of Americans. That’s not how we did things in this country.

This clip even looks like dystopian sci fi with the bald announcer, and of course he’s a Tucker Carlson understudy. Listen to his delivery.

Not for the first time, nor for the last, I’m going to say that this kind of counter-programming to reality has to stop. I understand that there is a market for this and there are financial reasons that OAN, Newsmax, Fox and all of right-wing radio world does this. I get that. But there has to be some kind of legislation which prevents people from broadcasting flat out lies.

Life is not a matter of opinion, and you can choose whichever version of reality you want to ingest, like it was a flavor of ice cream. Things are the way they really are, and to erode confidence in our institutions like this cannot lead to anything good. This cannot end well.

Maybe the people who do this for money are happy enough to line their pockets now and I get that. A good money making scam beats actually working for a living any day. But democracy is not something that is a sure thing, or any kind of a guaranteed way of life. We have to keep the foundation of a democratic process strong and this is sheer sabotage. There is no other way to look at it than that.

This is not news. There are no such things as alternative facts. We are hurtling towards a fascist Orwellian dystopia by allowing this poison to spew from the airwaves.


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  1. So, they want to twist the millions of people who legally voted himself out of office into traitors that deserve execution. Horrifying is the only word I have.

  2. How is this not fomenting violence and a threat to human life? Those Qmaggots are more than willing to take up arms and kill their enemies (us). it’s like they’re trying to drum up another Jan. 6 army of angry Q’s to take back their country for white people only. This isn’t free speech, it’s incitement.

    • There has to be some accountability at some point. Opinions may vary but cold hard facts don’t. This refusal of a certain portion of the electorate to listen to actual fact and this propaganda that encourages them to do so is undermining democracy. This dual narrative of reality worries me more than anything else in this country.

      • “There has to be some accountability at some point”
        “should be or could be” you mean.
        I’m sure a lot of Jews in the Third Reich said the same thing while they watched the brown shirts march, while they were sowing on those stars, while they were changing into those striped pyjamas and finally while they were pushing the bodies of their fellow human beings into ovens.

  3. Daniel Patrick Moynihan …

    ‘Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.’

    There is no ‘dual narrative of reality’, there is one side telling the truth AKA reality, and one side telling lies, AKA fantasy.

    The fantasists must be brought back to reality quickly or the collision between their fantasy and reality will kill many more people and destroy trust in fragile democracy.


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