The TRUE Trump Legacy In History


The Second Trump impeachment trial begins in the Senate on Tuesday for incitement to insurrection. But as the trial approaches, it is important to fully understand the context of what this is really all about.

One thing you must remember, No one can become even a moderately successful narcissist, much less a full blown sociopath, without learning the dark art of manipulation. In order for a narcissist or sociopath to be able to make people believe that they are what they want them to think, they must manipulate them into seeing their point of view.

And this is critical. Because when I watch the copies of the Trump speech at the White House on January 6th, there was one phrase that Trump kept repeating that chilled me, and  because I understood, after my years of covering him, his audience.

Never forget who and what Trump’s base is. It is mostly lower and middle class whites, many older, many with ingrained prejudices for others, who are terrified of seeing an American that is becoming, browner, more tolerant, and more inclusive.

And so when Trump stood behind that podium on January 6th, and repeatedly told his audience, If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t won’t have a country anymore!, this was a clarion call, the literal message from the bunker in 1945. Trump was telling the sad, deluded sots who believe in him that if they didn’t act this minute to overturn the election, then the country they grew up in, and love so deeply, would be gone for good. And they went to the Capitol to make his dream come true.

Let’s fast forward to right now. In the last day or so, a 91 year old Chinese man, walking down the street in Chinatown and minding his own business, was violently shoved from behind by a young punk who had about many years, 8 inches, and 60 lbs on him. The punk immediately ran off. The old man went down hard, cracked his head, and died. Later, a 61 year old Chinese woman was violently shoved to the ground by another, or the same young punk, and sustained serious injuries. And a 6 year old Chinese girl was violently kicked and sustained injuries. In all cases, the chickenshits ran like hell. And in another city, a Filipino man in his 50’s was slashed across the face from behind, shoved to the ground, and again the assailant took off.

Cast your mind back a year. At the very start, already at war with China, rather than make even a half assed attempt to deal with the pandemic on our shores, Trump instead decided to turn the virus to his advantage. In every one of his public appearances and rallies, Trump began referring to Covid-19 as kung flu, and the China virus, and in doing so, gave the social misanthropes who support him a whole new other to hate. And it worked. As we speak the Asian American community is right up there at the top with the Muslims as the most hate prone groups in the US today.

This is the true historical legacy of Trump. He knew his base, he knew them only too well. He knew the strings to pull, and he knew the buttons to push, and he pulled and pushed them. And all for his own selfish self satisfaction and short term political gains. And now, what the rest of us are left to deal with is is a country even more fractured, with more innocent Americans than ever before suffering for the name of El Pendejo Presidente. And it will take the government years, if not more than a decade to bring the newly resurgent, racist, white nationalist movement back under control. And more people will suffer and die.

I keep saying it over and over again, but for the simple reason that it’s true. Biden keeps saying that We are all Americans, and there is no challenge that we can’t meet when we confront them together. And he’s right! Every day now, you see stories on the news about pop up community groups across the country, unpaid, that are banding together to help seniors and underprivileged brothers and sisters of all color and background navigate the hells of the largely online registration system to get their vaccines. Food banks across the country keep providing necessary help for our citizens because fellow Americans keep stepping up and chipping in. We are stronger together than we ever can be apart. Rot in hell, Donald Trump. You did your worst to divide and set us against each other, but we are stronger than you. Welcome to the ash heap of history pal.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. Thank you so much for acknowledging the anti-Asian hate happening. We’re so often invisible to the race conversation. I knew there was a reason you’re my favorite writer.


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