The Textbook Definition Of “Illegitimacy”


You know, whenever I look at the latest outrage of El Pendejo Presidente or his administration, my mind immediately goes back to one of my favorite movies, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade. In that movie, any time Indiana Jones did something daring or stupid that placed them in danger, his father always exclaimed the same three words, This is intolerable! Which are exactly the same three words I bellow every time I see the latest Trump administration outrage.

But earlier today, I took a break from my laser focused disgust at the latest outrage of Glorious Bleater, namely that active duty troops under his ultimate command were not worth protecting from having bounties placed on their heads by some halfwit, former KGB cocksucker. Instead, I took a step back, and looked at the devastated landscape of the last four years under Der Gropinfuror, in a more dispassionate way than I have in quite a while, and in doing so, I came to a personally stunning conclusion.

The entire last four years of this country’s history has been completely and entirely illegitimate. There is no other way to look at it. Trump failed to win the popular vote, and he couldn’t even fall back on the time honored American tradition of having the fucking supreme Court hand the election to him. Instead, Trump fell back on micro targeted messaging and disinformation war but Vlad the Imp to propel him to the White House. From the moment Trump befouled the Lincoln bible with his hand, his presidency was illegitimate.

But don’t get cocky, we’re just getting started. We are also honored to have a completely Illegitimate Senate Majority Leader. And he was that way when he was the Senate Minority Leader as well. Every time I look at Mitch McConnell, I can’t help seeing Gollum, the pathetic creature from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so obsessed with the power of his precious that he had lost any mortal feelings or soul that he may have had. Sound about right?

Remember this. On inauguration night of 2009, it was McConnell who sat in a restaurant room with his closes cronies, and plotted to make Barack Obama a one term President. He clearly violated his oath of office that night by placing his own personal and party interests above those of the country. His chosen method, total obstruction, McConnell reached the zenith of illegitimacy when he spent almost an entire calendar year refusing to even consider a completely legitimate nominee to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Which means of course, that we now have a totally illegitimate Supreme Court, and on two counts. The minute Judge Neil Gorsuch accepted his nomination to the Supreme Court, he became illegitimate, and by extension, the court itself. There had been plenty of time for the nomination process for Judge Merrick Garland to run its course, except for the obstruction of Bitch Mcconnell, a clear violation of the traditional Senate role of advise and consent. Even worse was the forced ramming through of a clearly unqualified , possibly on criminal ground, of the nomination of “Brewski” Brett Kavanaugh. The refusal to allow a full investigation of the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh alone disqualified him from being confirmed. In any other administration, even if the nominee had refused to step down, the President would have pulled his name. But not in the illegitimate Trump presidency.

And we are also well on the way to a totally illegitimate federal judiciary. Time and time again, in refusing to even consider the warnings of knowledgeable groups like the american bar association, and in his fervor to ram through judges who even passingly pass as conservative, McConnell has forced his caucus to follow his lead, and confirm completely unqualified judges to the federal bench, or face his wrath. And nobody wants to face the wrath of Gollum, as long as he’s the fair haired boy of his precious.

We’re not done yet. Sorry, but we’re not. For the last four years, we have also had a completely illegitimate foreign policy. Regardless of which overstuffed buffoon we have called the Secretary of State, due to the fact that the president who insists on micromanaging foreign policy to suit his own personal and political gains, there has been no legitimacy. Whether a willing, or unwilling idiot of the Kremlin. The Trump administration foreign policy has consistently benefited Russia at the expense of pissing all over every ally we have in the world.

But it’s not just Russia either. Because of his twisted entanglements, along with his imbecile son in law, Trump and Jared Kushner are so covered in Saudi pocket lint that the official position of the American government was to give the disgusting MBS a free pass for the murder and dismemberment of a Saudi journalist working from the United states. And as long as he gives you unfettered access to oceanside property for klitsch condos and golf courses, why shouldn’t Kim Jong Un have access to nuclear weapons?

When you come right down to it, the entire federal government under Emperor Numbus Nuttus is completely illegitimate. Rather than following through on his promise to drain the swamp, Trump has turned on a high power fire hose. Look at any and all of the cabinet appointees of the Trump administration. The whole thing is nothing but a rogues gallery of third rate grifters and boosters. The functional requirements for the performance of the agencies is to personally or politically enrich either the cabinet secretary, and/or Trump himself. Under the reign of trump, the national proclamation inscribed on the banner in the eagles claws should be changed from E Pluribus Unum, which means One out of many, to the much more appropriate Ubi Est Mea, which means Where’s Mine? 

There has to be a way to fix this. The Founding fathers left us a precious gift, the secret map to self governance. But there was a blind spot in the blueprints. The founding fathers took for granted that men of good will who chose to enter public service would voluntarily play by the rules. But the reign of Trump has shown us in bright relief that we are piss poor qualified to deal with the outcome when a rogue bastard refuses to abide by those rules. And that is something we had better lock in to mondo quick and start fixing on January 20th, 2021. Not for me, I’ve lived my life. For my children. For your children. For all the children. And for the bright shining dream of democracy.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35S

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  1. Going to disagree with you on one thing: Kavanaugh is not illegitimate because of the very credible allegations of sexual assault as a teen. He’s illegitimate because he committed perjury in testimony to the Senate for his first confirmation to the judiciary.

    • Perfectly put!!! I wish that I had thought of it…But the dereliction of the GOP to Moscow Mitch to oush through a nomination that would have been jettisoned in any other administration speaks fior itself…

    • Hate to be a one-note, or broken record, but this judges’ nonsense is addressed by none other than Glenn Kirschner. He says it’s not an easy road to walk, but those unfit judges can be removed if in doing the investigations they are found to have committed perjury to gain their life-long appointments. He allows that many of them wouldn’t have lied, ergo cannot be removed for cause; but there are others of them he contends have lied.

      Now we just have to prod the Democratic Party when it/we take over all the branches of government to set things right where they have gone off the rails, not out of revenge, although what happens will be sweet, but because it is one of the only ways we can fix this democracy so it stands for something worth fighting for.

    • True. And it was not only failure to investigate and call witnesses about the allegations of sexual assault. It was also the almost total concealment of his prior record when he worked for the Bush administration. The howls of outrage from the GOP had a Democratic nominee been allowed to put virtually his entire profession record out of sight.

  2. Joseph. All true but let’s not forget the 93 million Americans who couldn’t bother to vote. Although it is clear the fascist gop knocked thousands of black voters off the rolls, 2 million didn’t bother to vote to stop a white supremacist from getting the most powerful position in the world. Those 77k votes that gave him the election would have not happened if people took their freedom as seriously as they do when Wal-Mart has a sale. The children have the sword of Damocles hanging by a thread over this generation. As George Carlin once opined, people are trained to not question authority. The Germans had the same tragic flaw.

    • I have spent 4 years kicking their asses for their complacency, but that doesn’t change the numbers on the ground as they ended up in 2016…

    • Scott, to put the blame on the “93 million Americans who couldn’t bother to vote” fails in a major way (and, is itself a form of “victim shaming/blaming” as well).

      After all, were you as outraged at the roughly 106 million people who didn’t bother to vote in 2012? Or the roughly 98 million who didn’t bother to vote in 2008? What about the 97 million who didn’t bother to vote in 2004? What about in 2000 when roughly 104 million people didn’t bother to vote?

      Just looking at those numbers, 2016 had the greatest voter turnout in absolute numbers and the lowest number of registered voters who didn’t vote. For what it’s worth, 2008 had the highest voter percentage turnout in recent memory (58.2%–the highest since 1968) and the total number of people who didn’t vote was HIGHER than in 2016.

      Instead of blaming (and shaming) the people who didn’t vote, how about reserving some of your outrage at the people who refused to vote for “that woman” (who’d faced more vitriol than any other candidate in recent memory, and not just during the 2016 campaign–but since 1993–and the vitriol wasn’t just from GOPers but from members who were supposedly in her own party) so they either chose to not vote or, worse, vote for some third party candidate.

      (You even hurt your own premise by attacking the “93 million who couldn’t bother to vote” then you swing around and bring up “2 million”–without specifying who they are–and then attack the “77k votes that gave him the election.” So, um, which group is the REAL culprit in your mind?)

    • In all three states Trump carried by a mere 70,000 votes (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan), more people voted for Jill Stein than the margin by which Trump carried them. In Michigan more than four times more people voted for Stein than Trump’s winning margin. In 2016, I knew a bunch of these Bernie assholes. Currently I know of only one not planning to vote for Biden.

  3. Reading this was sadly but such a truthful read. I know it hard to think that Americans actually voted this man in. But voting is my only goal and I’m getting older too so thank you.

  4. All of the Republican appointments are made by illegitimate Presidents. Nixon traitored with Vietnam. Ford traitored with Nixon by letting him off the hook. Reagan and Bush traitored with Iran and the right-wing terrorist in Central America. Bush had Stone stop the voting in Florida long enough to give the Republican traitors on the court to give the Presidency to Bush. Get rid of all these worthless bastards.

    Oh, Bush just traitored. Failed to even try to prevent what ultimately became known as 9/11. I am not saying he would have been able to stop them, but he could have tried. No, he just came in with some new military boondoggle for his donors.

    As soon as the second airplane hit the twin towers I knew Bush would invade Iraq. I knew the attack had to be from the middle east because US rwnj’s can drive a Uhaul, but they sure as hell can’t fly a plane.

    • “traitor” isn’t a verb, and no one questioned Nixon’s win. Or Reagan’s. Ford didn’t commit treason: read the definition in the Constitution.

  5. Come-on “Murph”, your dispatches would be a lot more informative if they weren’t full of bad jokey references and poor name-caller puns that dilute your message. Especially now when things are so bleeping serious.

    You want good writing, checking our Mike Scott’s “Red Army Blues” — a 20th Century song for our times:

  6. Without using 10k words, my point is valid. Democracy only works with informed voters who get off their arse & vote. Argue against that.

      • No need to talk to sycophants who would be fine with a dictator. They care only for money, fame, and power. The responsibility to seek truth & social justice resides with all of us, and then to take action, especially voting. Hard to do with a tv culture, full of people with strong feelings & paltry knowledge. Boy those Nazis sure were fervent, loud & true believers. Check out those Nuremberg videos in 1933. As Twain wrote, history doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme.

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