Battle lines are being drawn. Nobody’s right, when everybody’s wrong   Buffalo Springfield   The way things are

As Rachel likes to say, Stick a pin in this one. On Thursday, the US House of Representatives voted to hold Steve Two Shirts Bannon in criminal contempt of congress. The vote was largely along partisan lines, but 9 GOP House members crossed the aisle to vote with the Democrats, which was about 4-5 more than I had expected.

But in the results, it isn’t so much a matter of how many, but who? Of course Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney voted Aye, but it was the other seven. And the names don’t matter, all of them were rock ribbed conservatives. What matters is the location.

The representatives came from Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Washington state. And they all share one thing in common. All of them come from highly competitive suburban heavy districts that the GOP is desperately trying to hold onto in 2022. And they all made a rationed, political choice.

Look, nobody picks a fight for the fun of it. Kreepy Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise whipped votes hard in the House against referring Bannon to the DOJ for criminal prosecution. Their votes not only put them in direct opposition with their own leadership, it means that they’ve put a target on their own backs for Traitor Tot and the evil undead.

The only explanation that makes sense to me is that they had internal polling in their districts. White suburban women, and at least some of their hubbies, are still incredibly pissed at His Lowness. Hell, several of these members got elected in 2020, when white suburban women came back to the party down ballot, and either voted for Biden, or didn’t vote at the top of the ticket. Their fear of retaliation at the hands of their voters is worse than their fear of a Trumper tantrum, or even a Trombie primary.

Get ready for this to play out all over the country. Trumpenstein has a long list of the impure that he is preparing to support far right challengers for in the primaries. But a lot of these are districts that the GOP flipped back in 2020 despite Trump losing their districts. And these are the very people that Trump wants to primary in 2022, when any sane Republican would be pushing to give them all the support they need.

Everybody knows that the Democrats are rowing upstream in 2020, the odds are against them. But normally, going into a midterm election in a first term, the opposition is united in pointing out the glaring weaknesses of the ruling party. But The Cheeto Prophet has mandated that 2020 be endlessly relitigated, And he is going to primary exactly the people that the GOP needs to hold onto those seats in 2022 if they have any prayer of regaining power in the House.

The snake is eating it’s tail. If Biden can get the reconciliation bill through (possibly next week), and the bipartisan infrastructure bill with it, he has a one-two punch to take into the primaries. The nice thing about the reconciliation bill is that, unlike the ACA, it is front loaded, and the benefits will start being felt immediately. As the vaccination rates go up, and deaths go down, the Biden administration can claim credit for having arrested the coronavirus. And when the economy picks up from the infrastructure and Build Back Better bills, they can claim credit for turning the economy back around again. Get those done, and things are nowhere near as bad as they seem.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. my very close district Texas 21 went from barely trump at 50% to 48% Biden trump was redrawn to a safe 59% trump to 39 % Biden. chipppy roy has gotten a very safe district now. Basically lost all his blue Austin voters. Still more or less racially the same, but pulled out of all the suburban areas and replaced them with rural areas. Sadly this is a district that will hold up in court.

  2. Who from Florida??? I don’t see Fl in this list … ??
    Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming (January 6 committee member)
    Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
    Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
    Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
    Rep. John Katko of New York
    Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois (January 6 committee member)
    Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina
    Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
    FL couldn’t be so lucky as to have a GOP legislator with enough sense to vote with the Dems! Please clarify!

  3. I’m always amazed, (not really, but the words sound nicer), that GOPee buckets are still so one sided with their tear down of Biden and his planned, better world for everyone, yet offer no better plans, (to-do lists/AND funding), I guess, from their idiotic mouthpieces, that garden Gates and gym Jordan, represent the maximum intelligence on their side of Congress … then, along comes R.Paul, sauntering around in his own world of make-believe, self-importance, spending inordinate effort and wasted committee time, attacking the foremost expert in virology, Doctor F. … it is, at once, the saddest display of ignorance from the GOP …


    So many push backs and lizard speakers, may just be the shit that finally kills Mother Earth … Climate change carries it’s own pocket watch, we have nothing to say about it if the GOP slackers have their way, still pushing coal and oil …

    • Why offer plans and/or platforms when there are enough rubes out there ginned up by former guy to follow any con pol but particularly one supported by former guy? Add to that voting districts that are gerrymandered up the yazoo and it all adds up to pols who can lean back in their chairs, put their feet up on their desks and sigh “this is going to be a slam dunk”. Mind you, I hope they are miscalculating and are handed their asses next year but I don’t see how when everything is rigged from here to hell in the G.Q.P.’s favor. Remember what was said about f.g.? Folks said he could walk down whatever street, shoot someone, and get away with it? Things are just about there for G.Q.P. reps and sens.


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