Of course, the most prevalent story in the news these days is The RNC’s brain dead fealty to Traitor Tot that led them to vote on and approve a motion of censure against Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney for following their oath and doing their job. Because, being the RNC, they just couldn’t resist calling a violent coup attempt Legitimate political discourse. 

And now the cat is out of the bag. Congressional Democrats are finding any camera on Capitol Hill that they can get in front of, and demanding that anybody in the world with a “R” after their name declare publicly if they back the RNC’s position. This is a problem that Mitch McConnell and senior GOP leadership in the Senate is already trying to deflect by reiterating what the J6 insurrection was, and who was responsible.

But there’s a bigger problem here for the GOP. A messaging problem. You guys and gals read me because you have a healthy interest in politics. And I love you all. But on both sides, Democratic and Republican, there is a huge bloc of voters whose only political information comes from their nightly news on television.

But if you’re a casual, or moderately tuned in GOP voter, this shit is just too bloody complicated! The RNC, your guiding light, says that this was legitimate political discourse, but actual GOP Senators say that it was a bloody insurrection. So, who’s right? More importantly, who cares?

The Democrats are unified on this issue, and they have their party behind them. But when it comes to the GOP side, it’s a mosh pit. Insurrection or peaceful protest? Who cares?! These people have bills to pay, lives to lead, children to raise, and this is exactly the kind of lame inside the beltway bullshit that turned them off of politics in the first place. And they don’t want to have to deal with this shit.

This is the ultimate challenge for the GOP. The Democrats are solidly united, they know an insurrection when they see one. And they’re ready to fight. The GOP is split between a bloody insurrection and Legitimate political discourse. And that’s just too much bullshit for the mushy base to have to deal with. McConnell and the RNC are giving the GOP base a tailor made excuse to just stay home!


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