The clip you’re about to see is something so Bizarro World that you would swear it was satire if you didn’t know for a fact that this is how Donald Trump, Jr. talks all the time. His significant other, Kimberly, was saying just the other day how Trump Senior is the only one who can save people from an evil regime which wants to put all Trump supporters in jail. No, not all of them, just the ones that commit felonies like breaking into government buildings and attacking police officers and members of the Secret Service.

Junior’s rant evokes the movie Red Dawn. Here’s the description from Wikipedia. You tell me if it doesn’t sound exactly like what Junior’s selling: “In an alternate 1980s, the United States stands alone as communism grows stronger. When Soviet soldiers invade a small Colorado town, brothers Jed (Patrick Swayze) and Matt Eckert (Charlie Sheen) escape with friends to the forest. With their father, Tom (Harry Dean Stanton), a prisoner of the invading army, the children decide to fight against the Soviets. As the country comes under increasing attack, the group teams up with Lt. Col. Andrew Tanner (Powers Boothe) to take back their town.”

If you remember Red Dawn, they just dropped from the sky, like Junior is predicting Hamas will. Take a listen. You might want to make popcorn first. Better yet, pour a stiff drink.

A new fun hobby for all the family. And remember, this is at a time in history where a MAGA donor in Florida just shot his wife (who’s in critical condition) before blowing his own brains out in the family car. Yes, guns are a great hobby. Ask the teacher in Virginia who got shot by a 6-year-old who brought a gun to school. Or, take a look at all the news stories of teenagers shooting other teenagers, or of one family member shooting another, because a gun was left lying around.

And of course it gets worse. Listen to the slurred speech. I guess that last bump just kicked in.

Is worser a word? I guess not. Too bad, because if it was, this would be the exemplar of “worser.”

This was predicted. Trump Senior can’t trash Special Counsel Jack Smith so Junior has that task delegated to him. You don’t need to be Nostradamus to have seen this one coming.

And like the night following the day, commentary on Junior’s pre-taping activities.

If cocaine’s included, that’s one expensive doll. You might have to take out a loan to buy it.

So if you’re feeling safe in your own bed, Junior and MAGA want you to know that if the evil regime government doesn’t get you, the Hamas hang glider invasion will. So you’re simply not safe unless you put barbed wire around the yard and turn on all the lights.

Oh, and it might be a good idea if the family starts guarding the residence in shifts. Be sure to get a few extra dogs and it would really be a good idea to send Jim Bakker a few grand for pancake mix and apocalypse food that will last for 25 years. And hoist the Confederate flag while you’re at it, right up there with the Trump flags hanging outside granny’s room upstairs.

As Rick Wilson said back during the 2020 GOP convention when Junior took stage right after Kimberly wailed, “The best is yet to come,” “He is legit ramped out of his goddamn mind.” Yep. That part hasn’t changed in three years.


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  1. Regardless of inflation rates, I long ago gave up any dream of “hone owmershit” because guys like this could buy the house next door and I am more interested in escape plans than floor plans!

  2. Another example of Trumpie: an Illinois landlord murdered a 6year-old Palestinian American boy and left his mother in critical condition. She rented two.rooms in his house. Her crime? Suggesting we pray for peace. Nothing in support of Hamas or anti-Semitic, just praying for peace.


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