I fell in love with the Liberal Redneck right off the bat, because hearing somebody with that accent make complete sense was a jarring sensory experience. All of his posts are good but some are so much better than others and his CPAC analysis is one of the best I’ve heard in a long time. Enjoy.

I agree with him totally that Caitlyn Jenner was ill advised to go to CPAC. She should know who she’s dealing with. That said, if the day has dawned in the Republican party when the tent has gotten so small that they can’t allow one of their candidates to be a member of a small minority group, then they are just that much closer to going the way of the dinosaur.

Remember, Jenner not only got accosted and insulted in the lobby of the hotel, by some guy who called her a “sick freak” but she was also booed when CPAC was convened. The rejection of Jenner was not just by a single extremist.

There’s only so many hard core homophobic xenophobes in this country. A lot of people with that basic psychological makeup have developed some tolerance for gays and POCs because they’ve lived in the real world, where you meet all kinds and you need to get along. But those people didn’t seem to be out in force at CPAC.

On the other hand, there is the Gaetz/Greene/Boebert coalition, and others, who believe that stoking outrage and going back a hundred years or so is the way to big power, because they saw Trump do it.

We are going to see what happens in 2022. That is the next big litmus test for where the GOP is going.


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