We’re still some 22 months from election day in 2024, and already I can see an unmitigated disaster for the GOP brewing. And here’s the really kewl part. The went into this farago with their eyes wide open, they’ve had 7 long years to get the memo, and they’re too bone stupid and too chickenshit to save what’s left. The GOP made this bed of nails, and in 22 months it will be time to lie down and go to sleep.

There are several reasons for the GOP to be ordering Prozac by the boxcar load every time they think about 2024, and we’ll touch on them, but there’s one unsolvable problem for the GOP. And that is that when it comes to the 2024 GOP presidential primaries, The numbers just don’t add up! And there’s no way for the GOP to puree them around in a food processor to make them fit. There just aren’t enough numbers.

I’ll explain. In a recent national poll, only 31% of registered voters have a favorable opinion of Traitor Tot. And Trump’s vaunted, near suicidal 25-30% base can kiss my ass. Because there aren’t enough of them to win a national election. To win a national election, the GOP needs to win a vast majority of the moderate and soft GOP base, as well as at least a competitive number of independent votes. It’s that simple.

And they’re long gone. FrankenTrump is a true 3 time loser. Only 2 years into his term, his unutterable bullshit had the sot What the hell, wadda we got to lose vote that put him in the White House had either switched back to Democrat, or just stayed home. In 2020, moderate GOP white suburban women punished Trump, voting GOP down ballot, and either voting for Biden or leaving the top spot blank. And in 2022, the GOP didn’t even cleanly win the House! Look at the math. In 2022, Pissantis down in Florida personally gerrymandered 3 Democratic leaning seats to make them GOP. And in New York, the Democrats themselves gerrymandered away 4 Democratic seats. Get rid of those gerrymanders 1, and the House control would be +/- 1 seat either way.

So The Mango Messiah can’t win a general election. But what’s the alternative? Well, according to what passes for traditional wisdom in the GOP today, it’s Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis. because recent polling of GOP voters tends to show Pissantis with a double digit lead over Trump. No other prospective GOP candidates are above 8%. And the fact that nobody else is even competitive may well clear the field for a 2 way race.

But a Pissantis presidential run brings a whole host of problems for the GOP. Top of the list is that DeSantis is basically a one-hit-wonder in Florida. Outside of Florida, he is nothing but a series of carefully crafted sound bites. But DeSantis has no national footprint, no national fundraising apparatus, and no national ground game to whip out the faithful for rallies. All he is is a series of carefully crafted 30 second sound bites.

Which is a self generated problem. Because a recent poll showed that 63% of GOP voters wanted Trumpism to be the mantra of the party in 2024, they didn’t want Trump heading the ticket. And so the DeSantis camp keeps rolling out 30 second ads showing how Trumpy DeSantis is, without all the embarrassing belching and farting. That’s fine in the pregame warmups.

But if Pissantis actually declares and runs, he’s going to have to go national, and start meeting the voters. He’s going to have to actually go out and stump. And that’s when all the wheels fall off of the DeSantis jalopy.

Because, Pardonnez vos moi Francais, Pissantis is a political fucking moron. Just look at his personally and professionally humiliating 2018 gubernatorial ad, in which he literally pimped his own family in a craven homage to The Trumpster Fire to woo Florida Trump voters. An then there’s the 2 ridiculous ads he cut or his 2022 reelection campaign, one in which he strutted out onto a military airfield in a flight jacket to the logo of Top Gov! And then the dominionist one he cut that basically claimed that On the 8th day, God said I need a warrior, and created DeSantis. That may work with the inbred yokels and mouth breathers of Florida, but where it gets to the Rust Belt and the Midwest, voters are going to look at him like a specimen that should be under glass.

But once he actually gets out on the road, then the games really begin. A couple of weeks ago, MSNBC ran a fascinating segment in which they showed Trump speaking at rallies, and then showed DeSantis speaking at rallies. And Pissantis had literally carefully crafted his motions and body language to mirror Trump’s as exactly as possible. DeSantis literally is Trump without the orange hair. And one more thing. Once he actually gets out on the stump, Pissantis is going to have to open his mouth. And when that happens, any thought of DeSantis as Trump without the baggage is going to disappear. Believe me, I’ve covered him, the man has the personality and charisma of a boiled turnip.

One last thing before the surprise ending. If DeSantis goes through with this, he’s going to have to debate Trump, most likely mano-a-mano. And that is going to be the slaughter of the spring lambs. Sweet Jesus, Pissantis couldn’t even face down Charlie Crist in a debate when asked if he would promise to serve 4 years if elected. He just stood there like a wax dummy in Disney’s Hall of Presidents, waiting for his audio to kick in. When Trump finishes with him, Marco Rubio will finally feel like he’s off the hook.

But here’s the sugar sprinkles on top. By the time the primaries start, Trump is highly likely to be a criminal defendant in at least 2 venues. In the federal system for his mishandling of classified documents in the Mar-A-Lago pilferage, and in Fulton County, Georgia, for attempted vote fraud. Trump will bellow about the Democratic deep state desperately trying to keep him from the White House. How the hell does DeSantis respond to that plea to the base. And more importantly, how does the already disaffected moderate base respond to a potential federal convict running for President?

For the GOP, no matter how they slice it, the numbers just aren’t there in 2024. And they never will be, because the piss poor performance of the GOP House will sink them even further. The only question at this point is how much damage they do to themselves in the down ballot races.6

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  1. Will the ‘pubes have any debates? Debates always give them one hell of a black eye. I thought they were saying good-bye to showing the voters just how fucking stupid voting for a ‘pube candidate is.

  2. As much as I agree with the above, we should be mindful of any wildcard threats that pop up in the inevitable 2024 mosh pit that the GOP primaries become. It’s how we wound up with Trump in the first place, after all. That said, this is more an awareness thing than reason to panic (and if the last six years should have taught us anything, it’s that panic is both crippling and useless). Neither Mango Mussolini nor DeathSantis are credible threats at this point.

  3. “And in New York, the Democrats themselves gerrymandered away 4 Democratic seats.”

    Uh, Murf. NO THEY DID NOT. The Democrats tried to play the gerrymander game and a PARTISAN GOP JUDGE ruled the maps “unfair” and forced them to redistrict less than 2 months before the election. (In Alabama, Democrats tried to sue the state over its redistricting plan to provide another “majority-minority” district nearly 4 months before the election and another GOP judge ruled it was “too close” to the election. Ah, yes, good old GOP hypocrisy–the only consistent thing the GOP holds true and dear.)

  4. On the DeSantis matter, I read something a bit depressing–yet absolutely hilarious.

    It looks like everybody’s least favorite pillow jockey is now claiming that DeSantis won by a rigged election and he’s going to “investigate.” Apparently, Lindell’s claim lies in how DeSantis won Miami-Dade County, which no GOPer had ever won before; ergo, the machines rigged the election for DeSantis.

    Now that I’ve given you the hilarious bit, time for the depressing bit. In the article, it was stated that DeSantis has a FAVORABLE impression among “independent voters.” All I can say is these are NOT really independent voters; more likely, they’re GOPers who, when polled, call themselves “independent” for whatever reason. (What’s really depressing is the idea that these independent voters might actually be truly independent and they’ve fallen for DeSantis’s dictatorial manner when it comes to governing.)

  5. ALL GOOD NEWS… as is RW finally going for MTG..
    IN Rural #Georgia, Cody Johnson has strong moral compass
    Why didn’t the Republican red wave materialize in the midterms? The life of Cody Johnson offers one answer.
    By Stephanie McCrummen
    December 22, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EST


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