You know, as the J committee hearings roll forward, steamrolling Trump, his associates, and select GOP House incumbents writ large. The more and more the GOP, starting with Trump, is starting to bitch mightily.

And all of that shit is getting dumped on the head of House Minority Leader Kreepy Kevin McCarthy. Because it was McCarthy who made the grave tactical error of pulling everybody out on the GOP side from the hearings when he couldn’t get bomb throwers like Jordan and Banks from the committee. They rolled the dice on being able to portray the committee as a purely partisan hit job since there were no GOP members on the committee. So Pelosi went out and got Cheney and Kinzinger to give the committee bipartisan flavor to the committee.

That turned out to be a political miscalculation that will go down in infamy. Because McCarthy was counting on turning the public hearings into a circus with the bob throwers turning every hearing into a debacle. But that isn’t what has happened.

Here’s the simple facts. To this point, the J6 committee has interviewed more than 1000 witnesses. Most of those were interviewed by staff members and investigators. And if the GOP had allowed at least some of McCarthy’s nominees onto the panel, then the GOP would have had equal time to cross examine witnesses under deposition. Which could have changed everything.

Because please remember one simple thing, Depositions are conducted in private, with no cameras present. As such, there are no cameras present, and the committee members and investigators aren’t playing to the cameras, or a constituency. They’re doing the job of getting information.

And if GOP investigators had poked any holes in the witnesses testimony in deposition, then GOP members on the committee could have brought up those discrepancies when given a chance t question to in the hearing.

And Kevin McCarthy threw all of that away. Which is why I said recently that Kevin McCarthy will never be the Speaker of the House. Trump needs a sacrificial lamb for the debacle of the J6 committee hearings. And now it’s too late. The information is out there, and it’s coming from one side only. stand up and take a bow, fools!


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  1. Not McCarthy, Murf…Trump is the one behind this unforced tactical error. The former is like Pence in his spinelessness, never daring to contradict an order from the latter. The irony is that now Trump will himself be served up on the altar of whatever dark gods (in light of the Russian influence, my money is on Tchernobog) the American conservative movement are petitioning at this time.

  2. They may or may not have lost the battle, doesn’t matter since every battle can be won but if you lose the last one, you lost the whole damned thing. The WAR being won or lost starts this November. If the ‘pubes lose elections, they lost the war. If they win, the dems did.

    • Counterargument: the last battle of the Civil War was a skirmish in New Mexico and a Confederate victory. But since that was well after Appomattox, what did it matter? Moral of the story: always remember which battles are actually important.


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