The RNC is no longer one of the two major political parties in the United States. Instead they are now nothing more than a totally owned subsidiary of Trump Traitor Inc. 

It’s already showing. The RNC, overseen by Trump’s subservient lap poodle Ronna Romney McDaniel has already ordered that a condition of getting on the stage for any RNC sanctioned debate is to sign a loyalty pledge to support Traitor Tot if he’s the nominee. Which is already causing a little angst and agitation.

Candidate Asa Hutchinson told the RNC that there should be a waiver in there negating a candidate who is an indicted or convicted felon. The RNC’s response was to basically tell Hutchinson to sit down and shut up. And Governor Krispy Kreme from New Jersey said, They want me to sign a piece of paper? Fine, I’ll sign a piece of paper. And then I’ll pay no more attention to it than Trump did in 2016. So already this whole thing is nothing more than a joke in bad taste, and McDaniel is the one getting the pies in the face.

But now the GOP 2024 primary field is self destructing itself for the general election in 2024, even if one of them can actually topple Trump in the primaries. because while they try to topple Traitor Tot without actually attacking him personally by name, they’re all now bowing in subservience in a way that puts the loyalty pledge to shame.

Because now, totally unrequested by the RNC, the new GOP purity pledge for 2024 candidates is to promise to pardon Trump if they’re elected. And this is an act of pure electoral suicide. Because once again, all of the GOP contenders, minus Christie and Hutchinson are vowing to let Trump off the hook if they’re elected President.

This is insane for so many reasons you can’t even count them all. For instance, with Christie and Hutchinson excepted, anybody who was queasy about signing a form saying they’d support an indicted or convicted federal criminal for President are now totally willing to say that they’ll give him a free pass if they’re elected. And while several of the candidates are playing coy, all of them are making moo-moo noises about giving Trump a hall pass for his criminality if they’re elected.

They’re writing their own epitaphs. For starters, these candidates, who want to swear an oath to uphold the constitution and legal justice, are ready to give Traitor Tot a pass whether he’s legally convicted or not, just because he’s Trump. Who gives a sh*t about the rule of law if it’s Glorious Bleater?

But what makes it disastrous for these candidates is that they’re bucking public opinion. Standard protocol is to tack to the base in the primaries, and then tack back to the center for the general election. But the problem is that no political party has ever tried to tack back to the center while proclaiming that they’ll pardon a criminal convicted of violations of the Espionage Act.

And public sentiment is firmly against them. A recent poll showed that 60% of Americans support the Trump indictments. And the same poll shows that 50% of them feel that Trump should be disqualified from future public off ice if convicted. The GOP can’t win the 2024 election without support from independents and soft voters, and the majority of them want to see His Lowness in an orange jumpsuit.

The 2024 GOP primary field is stuck in a self destructive spiral. Let’s say that you’re any one of the 2024 hopefuls that benefits from Trump imploding, and you get the nomination. In the general election you’re going to be asked why you are already sworn to pardon a convicted federal criminal who hoarded classified documents, and that a majority of the country wants to see held responsible for his crimes. How do you handle that? F*ck it I know!

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  1. If they insist on screwing their general election chance I say fine. Let em. Especially because it won’t just screw the top of the ticket, but Republicans all down the ballot to the local level.

  2. I’ve said it before. Biden’s best chance is against trump. if someone else emerges, then Biden is toast. keep that in mind.

  3. It seems to me that the contenders saying they’ll pardon what’s his name if elected, are implying that he’s guilty and going to be convicted. You can’t pardon someone who has not committed a crime. I guess. What a bunch of (fill in the blanks for me please.)

    • Once upon a time part of the pardoning process was the admission of guilt and sincere evidence of contrition by the pardonee, or proof of serious miscarriage of justice needing correction. There were occasional questionable exceptions, but the last three Republicans administrations have made a mockery of the entire foundation of pardoning deserving individuals and made it just another spoil of war to the victors.

  4. Rats swarming aboard the Trumptanic. The one good thing trump will do is to take these vermin down with him. Good riddance to all of them.


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