It just occurred to me: what if the Second Coming Of Donald Trump gets predicted every few months for the rest of Joe Biden’s first term? Think of it now, we could be at Christmas dinner and the news comes out, aha! Now we’ve really got the blockbuster information! Now the Supreme Court will really do whatever the pillow man wants them to! Yes! Now January 20, 2022 is the New Inauguration Day!

And it could go like that, through ’22, ’23, all the way to election night ’24.

Here’s the latest from wingnuttia.

You laugh, but the last time the QAnoners thought they saw Trump sign in D.C., and a so-called inauguration was going to be held, the rates tripled at the Trump International.

It’s interesting that they skipped over July 4. That was going good for a while. Obviously, it wasn’t just a day like March 4, it was a date fraught with meaning, America’s Independence Day. And with Trump resuming power, it was going to be an Independence Day like no other, except maybe the one in the movie where the sitting president had to go outrun the aliens’ firebomb in Air Force One. Oh yeah, just think of it, you could use the footage of MAGA supporter Randy Quaid flying into the alien ship and saying, “Payback’s a bitch” except instead of the alien ship you’d have Lib World hovering above, giant flashing screens of Kamala, Hillary, the Squad, you get the idea. And then Trump blows it up. So that was the fantasy, but something happened in the execution, obviously. It didn’t get off the drawing board, as they say.

And then there’s this Randy Quaid image, which Trump loved and retweeted to his 88 million devotees. This undoubtedly was going to figure into the Second Coming, as Trump took power and let his enemies have it, starting with Fox News.

Yes, July 4 was cooking as the next inauguration date. It was smoking hot for a while after March 4 fizzled. Don’t ask me what happened to it, I was following along and all of a sudden it just went poof, nobody was talking about it anymore.

What a shame. July 4 had such dramatic potential. I mean, WTH is August 15? It’s nothing. It’s the day after August 14. Unless the fact that it’s Indian Independence Day is the big deal. India declared its independence from British Colonial rule in 1947. So now Trump is analogizing himself to Mahatma Gandi?

This stuff makes my head explode. Go ahead, cross off July 4 and pencil in August 15. We’ll see what happens to that deadline — and we do mean “dead” “line.” We expect that date to dry up and blow away like all the others.

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  1. August 15th is National Lemon Meringua Pie Day, National Relaxation Day, as well as National Leathercraft Day and Glabal Honey Bee Day…..l

    …..but most intriguing is it is Napoleon Bonaparte’s birthday…….all things considered…..ny money goes here ?

  2. To paraphrase an old New Yorker cartoon, (shows guy looking at calendar and talking on phone) “How about never? Does never work for you?”

  3. Harold Camping understood the difficulty of predicting important events, that and the pressure. It’s a shame he isn’t around anymore.

  4. Maybe July 4th was off the table since it falls on Sunday this year?

    Of course, if that were the case somebody missed a real selling point to the rubes. I mean you have the potential for “July 4th: America celebrates its birth by restoring its rightful President to office!” I guess, though, you might face resistance from some folks (though probably not much) by suggesting the Trump Administration would be resurrected (the folks who’d take most offense gave major passes to Trump’s thousands of lies and his philandering and his name-calling etc).

  5. I would really expect it to occur on the 28th October (that’s the feast day of St Jude – patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes)


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