All right you guys, who sent the fly to bedevil poor Mike Pence? What’s that you say, the fly is Pence’s only black friend? He was just getting out another smarmy talking point, in that wounded tone of voice which has become his trademark, when a fly landed on his head. Blip, just like a UFO it appeared out of nowhere and now it’s a media star.

#TheFly is going viral on Twitter as we speak. Mike Pence, probable coronavirus carrier and Trump defender to the bitter end, kept interrupting Kamala Harris (leading to another hashtag #ImSpeaking) and he would not shut up when moderator Susan Page asked him to do so time and again at tonight’s VP debate. But a mere fly was able to put Pence in his place.


Can flies carry coronavirus? I’m serious. I don’t know.



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  1. ????????????????? they are burnt to a crisp! Pence went all interrupting woman hating jerk, and just lost women everywhere. The fly is now a HUGE star! No one will talk about anything else. Kamala was fantastic.

    • He wouldn’t STFU. I was surprised, to tell you the truth. I thought that he would be more civil than Trump. And he was, nobody could be as bad as Trump. But he still wouldn’t follow the debate protocol and that’s exactly like Trump.

      • Don’t forget Ursula, he always does what his orange boss does – remember when he set his water on the floor just because Don John did it?

        I’d hazard a guess and say that the fly on his head just doubled his brain cells

  2. Well, I’ve had quite a few flies come into my apartment as the weather got colder. The bug spray my complex lays down knocks them out pretty quick. It’s been about a week and a half since the last one and no corona, so I’d say not.

  3. Biden campaign has snatched up Jenn OMalley Dillon is the best there is…she knows the fly is the only thing from that debate that gets traction.

  4. “Lord thank you for sending my guardian angel/fly to guide me through this debate without answering any questions. May I always find your unholy angel/fly sitting on or about my head when I’m lost for answers, which is all the time.”amen. My second choice was the fly saying “WAKE UP U DAMN FOOL, WE’RE ON TV.”

  5. I loved Evan Rosenfeld’s tweet of the fly close-up. One eye is the normal compound eye that all flies have; the other eye is Pence’s pink eye.

    Never thought I’d ever feel sorry for a fly.

    • Guess I did in the original at the end. Something about sticking a human head on it with the spider bearing down, even though it was his own damn fault. Last night I was really pulling for the fly. After all, since January 28th we’re all potentially caught in the spider’s web of lies, death & loss.

  6. It made me so mad at the end of every time he spoke, the moderator had to say at least THREE times for him to shut up. And Kamala didn’t do that to him. I know she could have ripped him up if she wanted to. Overall I think it went very well. And I hope I never have to see him again after the election.

    • He looked as he is, a hypocritical liar, who made the mad hatter seem rational. She looked like someone in charge of the information, in sympathy about our reality, unafraid to stand her ground, &, most importantly, in charge of herself. Chaukula has no real self.

  7. YES YES … and now the SECOND batch of #TruthForFlies swatters is available via I hear… but can’t send pics in comments but I have one of #RBG in chair in serious pose …Caption:


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