The Facts Are Clear. The Democratic Party Is Ascendant.


You know,  as much as it sometimes seems like it, I don’t just make this shit up out of whole cloth. I still do considerable research. Due to my glaucoma, a lot of it is audio and video based, but I still fire up Google whenever possible to fact check, and also to look for fresh material.

And since the day that the election was finally called by the media for Biden, and all of the insanity that has come afterwards, and in my limited research for writing on it, I have come to a conclusion.

Let me make this clear, I am a firm believer in democracy, which means I believe wholeheartedly in the two party system, since that is the way that our democracy is set up. In order to be successful, American democracy requires two healthy, vibrant parties, fundamentally opposed to each other. The object is that they come together, butt heads, and somehow or other come together somewhere in the middle to move the country forward. And it has worked fairly well for more than 240 years now.

And never has that system of government been more under stress than it is right now. Because the simple fact of the matter is that we no longer have two different, vibrant parties, resenting opposing sides to the same issue, and coming to a compromise. Instead, what we have is two parties headed in diametrically opposite directions.

Just look at the current news reporting. The house minority Proud Boy, Kevin McCarthy, is about to scuttle off to Mar-A-Lago, with his tail between his legs, so that Traitor Tot can tell him how to run the 147 member Seditionist Party for the next couple of months. In the Senate, you have 5 moderate, intelligent GOP Senators who voted for the impeachment trial of Donald Trump to go forward, while 45 treasonous toadies voted to give him a pass.

On the one hand, you have traditional Republicans like Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski throwing caution to the wind in a desperate attempt to save the traditional Republican party, and on the other hand, you have longtime GOP strategists and stalwarts like Jennifer Horn, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, Susan Del b, and George Conway, who are working to burn the Trump party to the ground, and start a third party to replace it. Basically, the GOP as we know it is in free fall.

Now, look at the other side of the coin. Since the Democrats won the White House, and especially the Senate, the Biden administration has moved aggressively to consolidate, and improve on their position. Biden is signing executive orders that make good on campaign promises, and promoting aggressive legislation to make good on more. There is a feeling of momentum, and forward progress in the new administration.

The younger guns, more progressive and activist, have been pushing hard for the party to come to grips with the most pressing issues of the day. And the Democratic party has responded. The Democratic led Senate has moved to neuter Mitch McConnell’s obstruction, and all of a sudden everybody is talking about using whatever parliamentary procedures are necessary to move the agenda forward. Biden has continued to appear before the public and the media, and to push for the agenda he ran on.

Nothing breeds success like success. The Democrats are moving forward with their agenda, and exuding public confidence that they have the tools at hand to pass their agenda.  With Senate  Majority Leader Chuck Schumer slapping Minority Leader Mitch McConnell down in his insurrection attempt, it looks more and more like he can do it. And the Democratic activists and loyalists can’t help but notice it.

Right now, the democrats are the team with a plan, and they seem to have the wherewithal to make good on a lot of it. And in front of them is a Republican party that can’t even seem to be able to figure out how to tie its own shoes. And while it may be great in the short term, for Biden to pull us out of the ditch that Traitor Tot drove us into, in the long range, this is not how democracy is supposed to operate. As the Russians like to say, Even fascism would be tolerable if it were administered by angels. We need a healthy two party system in this country.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. At one point, I was hoping Trump would start his own party. Then at least the republicans could reclaim and rebuild their party. Maybe the party that republican ex-pats would form would actually be the better outcome.

    • I don’t think he can get the money (or the people) who could put a party together for him. It’s a lot of work, and we know he doesn’t do that kind of thing.

      • That is my opinion, forming a party is a lot of work. He wants to tweet, watch tv and play golf. That is not a recipe for a party forming candidate. He would also need to pay people and that is also not his strong suit.

      • Just wait for a statement (can’t be a tweet as he’s barred) saying that some called him and said “Sir, I believe you should start your own party and ask all your supporters to contribute to its funding”

        He will then do just that (and salt the money away in an off-shore bank)

  2. I think the shock of Democratic ascendancy has yet to truly sink in, Murf. To be fair, we’re only on Day 8 of the post-Trump era but it’s been enough to tell the gloomier folks on our side “C’mon, man!” I get it…winning after losing for so long is a hell of an adjustment. But it’s genuinely a new day…we need to start acting like it.

  3. Schumer has surprised me a bit, too, with the way he’s sort of swatted McConnell out of his face like a fly. I like it.

  4. While we’re enjoying the forward movement of the Biden Administration so far, I’m willing to bet that repugs are plotting on how to derail it. Since they had no policy, nothing besides a tax cut for the rich and packing the courts with right-wing extremists to show for their four years in office, I expect them to come up with obstruction somewhere. They have to put a stop to progress, it’s in their DNA. God knows what they’ll come up with. These warnings of domestic terrorism maybe how they stall us. What the hell is wrong with THOSE people!

  5. And yet I see the media amping up its “Democrats in disarray” narrative with its evidence getting flimsier and flimsier, and in just a week, already rolling out the “Democrats are doing everything wrong and it’s likely to cost them” stories. The NY Times is the worst of course, but others are doing it too. The double standard is a chasm the size of Grand Canyon now. Frankly, their coverage of the last six years has squandered their credibility for criticizing the Biden administration. And no, they don’t win it back by getting tough on him. They get it back by going harder after people like Marjorie Taylor Greene Lauren Boebert and Madison Cawthorn and calling out Republican leaders for their cowardly support of these seditionist extremists.


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