Look, slowly but surely, things are turning around. Whether you like it or not, more and more states, including Democratic states are loosening Covid restrictions in at least a token attempt to return to some kind of normalcy. Our Nevada Governor dropped out indoor mask mandate, and I’m loving it. The economy is booming, and unemployment is low.

For the last several months now, one of the two biggest albatrosses around President Biden’s neck has been the increasing exhaustion with the Covid restrictions, along with the stubborn rise in inflation. In all honesty, there is little a sitting President can do about inflation, the independent Federal Reserve Board handles the economy. But Covid is different.

And as more Covid restrictions are relaxed, people are going to start feeling better about life. I’ll be honest, My mental outlook has soared since I’m able to walk into my locals joint or the local Smith’s with the wind in my face. When more people begin to enjoy that freedom, it isn’t just the Governor who is going to get the accolades, Biden is going to see a boost in his poll numbers as well.

Biden gave a great speech today in Ohio, and he needs to make a shitload more of them over the upcoming months. The best thing about the speech was that he went into great detail as to exactly what benefits the people of Ohio were already seeing, and will continue to see from the bipartisan infrastructure bill that every Ohio GOP rep voted against. And Biden and Harris need to keep doing that, going from state to state and telling them exactly what they are getting out of the Biden agenda.

The GOP platform for the 2022 midterms is already set in stone. The 2020 election was stolen, Trump is still President, the Capitol riot was no big deal, gays are icky, critical race theory, and Big Bird. That’s it. A platform of racism, gay bashing, white grievance, and Biden sucks. That’s the cheese that these denuded ballot mice are nibbling on, and feeding their base.

And if the Democrats are smart, they will run from the GOP arguments the way a vampire runs from sunlight. Because the GOP talking points are unidimensional. They are meant for nothing more than to rile up the Trump GOP base. And no matter what any Democrat says, they are unlikely to change a single GOP base voters mind!

The Democrats just need to run their playbook. Talk about jobs created, the highest 1 year job creation rate in history. A GDP growth rate not seen since Reagan, whom half of the voters won’t even remember. Tout the American Rescue Plan, the Child Tax Credit, and highlight the specific benefits that the candidates constituents are seeing, or will see from the infrastructure bill. Tout the fact that daycare places are hiring again. Tout the success of Biden’s aggressive vaccination drive that led to the current relaxation of Covid restrictions. And then talk about how much more you want to do if only you can maintain control of congress.

And then, and only then, turn their guns on their GOP opponent and their running platform. The Democrats are running on a solid platform of accomplishment, with more coming, but what are the Republicans running on? Sour grapes over a legitimately lost election, fealty to a twice impeached and deposed despot, racial grievance, gay bashing, and an apocalyptic vision of the future. Which one would you be more likely to vote for. Especially when Traitor Tot keeps pushing his own slate of candidates?

Look, most Democratic voters don’t honestly understand what something as complex as Critical Race Theory is any more than most Republican voters do, but they know that it isn’t taught in primary or secondary schools. The rest is designed by the GOP to be repugnant to normal, moral voters. Let them spout their shit, tend to your own knitting, and draw the inferences. Here endeth the lesson.


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  1. The Federal Reserve runs the economy. Yet the Chief Executive will be held responsible for what happens in the economy. I don’t feel that this is right or fair.

  2. Let’s not forget the part of the GOP platform that says burn all books and writings that make white people feel bad. That’s also the part that feeds the insecurities of their constituents that hate anyone who bothers to educate themselves to better understand history and how that affects the future. They celebrate stupidity and despise “intellectual elites” as if stupid people will better serve their needs. I know plenty of R’s who are intellectual elites and who hate what the GQP has become so let’s hope they rise up and take their party back – but not until it first drowns in its own cesspool.

  3. Not to mention all the obese people that MTG pissed off. The only thing I would add is to not let the gop candidates take credit for the things they voted against.

  4. OH was she fat-bashing? I missed that. After a lifetime of being fat I’m so used to it I hardly notice it anymore. And technically I’m not so much anymore, having just lost over 85 pounds in the past 12-18 months. I started out stressing it off (I do not recommend it), then added better eating habits and it just came off, after all this time. Just one more reason she can kiss my (smaller) ass.


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