Earlier today, showing video from the Bonesaw Invitational at drump’s Bedminster, New Jersey golf course, One America News featured video of the Orangeutan swinging his driver and gushed about how powerful and manly he was, contrasting the idiot ridiculously to the obviously more fit and vital President Biden. Twitter-pro Ron Filipowski highlighted their fawning idiocy, much to the delight of his followers…

A regular Tiger Woods this guy 🙄🙄🙄

Me too, Ic



You bastards!


Well, 40% are… anyway.


Ice old.

We have a winner👇👇👇

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  1. I was never a low handicapper (at my best I regularly shot mid 80s – then tried changing my swing and never broke 90 and eventually 100 again!) but know my golf. That ain’t much of a swing. It works well enough to hit the ball but he lunges at it. My first thought was Charles Barkley’s swing. (Barkley famously went through years of work to get to something resembling that Trump swing) What many people don’t know is that while he’ll be the first to admit his game isn’t what it was, up until well during his years as VP Biden had for decades been quietly well-known as one of the top five or so golfers in the political class. But, as he said his duties as VP cut into his ability to play as regularly and of course once he decided to run for President he simply couldn’t take the time to play a round of golf.

    However, I’d be willing to bet even if he no longer has a handicap well down in the single digits he can still swing a club well and hit it straight more often than not. I sometimes wish he’d spend a bit of time out of sight somewhere in the WH (I think Trump had a place set up for it) practicing a bit, and then some Saturday or Sunday head out to the course with the media (for at least a few holes) and show HIS swing. Which I’m betting is a lot sweeter and more athletic than Trump’s!

    Hell, I think Trump would probably challenge Biden to a round. Biden should accept a nine-hole round, on the condition they also play a game of one-on-one on the basketball court say to ten, a set of tennis, and go for a bike ride – he can negotiate it to a thirty minute walk around a track with the most laps winning.

    All in the same day! Or even spread over two days!

    Sell tickets, and put it on pay-per-view with the proceeds being donated to Veterans.

    Oh, and the press should make sure to be close enough to each of them being handed a bottle of beer out on the course. And watching Biden slug his in a classic “one hand curl” while Trump uses two hands and drinks like a toddler with a sippy-cup!

    THEN let’s see all the memes and tweets of the two of them side-by-side! RWNJ “news” won’t show any of it of course but you can be damned sure everyone else will!

    • Nah. That was Rodney Dangerfield and his character was much more polite and competent than Fat Donnie. He was,also.a self-made man who earned his wealth through hard work.

      Trump.is more like the gopher Bill.Murray finally blew up:Fat and annoying.

  2. To rcdlv – his followers believe that insulting and demeaning people who push back against him, and being crude, demanding, self absorbed, perpetually angry and suing people are masculine. Remember, these are the same people who think owning an arsenal of guns, including automatic weapons in case someone tries to rob them, cut them off in traffic, or disagrees with them, proves they’re masculine.

    • Not only the arsenal but they also believe in violence against women and children and in fact think it is a g_d-given requirement. And no, that is not hyperbole. It is beyond sick the human and the values they idolize.

  3. To Trump’s bade,being a bully who regularly insults people, gropes women, and generally stomps critics like Godzilla did Tokyo IS the definition of strength. On the real.world, however, behaving like this usually covers a,lot of insecurity and psychopathy. He thinks he ‘s badass Voldemort when he is really Draco Malfoy(classic bully according to studies).: obnoxious, annoying arrogant entitled brat who flinches,when ordered to kill Dumbledore. Petty Evil versus the Big Bad he imagines himself to be.At least Draco was only 17or so.


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