I love the smell of Ted Cruz obfuscating in the morning. It smells like bullshit.

Here’s a version that’s not clipped.

Cruz has his wingnut coterie defending him, per usual. I don’t know if he realizes that they’re only adding comedy to Cruz’ already ridiculous move to fleeing the state, but who knows?

Erickson makes an interesting point. If, as he believes, a United States senator can’t do anything in a crisis, then either we need to 1. revamp the role of senators or 2. elect only senators who can and will do something in a crisis. Cruz is a very educated man, graduate of the best schools. I find it incredible to believe that he can’t analyze the situation and figure out contingency plans to minimize the impact of the problem — or, at least, that is what he’s elected to do. That is what his constituents believe that they elected him to do.

Cruz has the resources. Whether he has the desire to sit down and do his job during a state of crisis or run off to to a sunny Mexican resort and blame it on the kids, is a whole separate issue. Cruz needs to do his job or Texas needs to find somebody who will do the job. For the nth time I commiserate that Beto O’Rourke wasn’t elected.


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  1. His wife was with the kids. I suspect he was planning on a four-day vacation before having to go back to DC and his alleged job. He didn’t expect a disaster this time of year….

  2. Those of us that live in Texas can only hope that enough people are being disillusioned of the GOP, but I saw on Nextdoor, a lady saying that wind power and solar are the cause of our current crisis. Some of them are seemingly very stubborn in their beliefs. Mark Sumner did several pieces, outlining that our electrical grid system is designed to maximize profits for energy companies. Of course, the GOP are not going to do anything to change that.


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