The Nazi playbook is apparently required reading for the GOP these days, because Ted Cruz just went full-on Joseph Goebbels this morning on — where else? — Fox News. Goebbels said that if you tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough people will believe it. Goebbels also understood the value of demonizing the other. Cruz did both this morning, oh, and by the way, he wiped out all the naturalization laws on the books along the way.

“Many are calling H.R. 1 the corrupt politicians act.”

That’s a great line because when Trump was making up a piece of fake news, he prefaced it that way, “many are saying…..”

“Because it is their number one priority to keep Democrats in power for the next 100 years. And one of the most dangerous things that the corrupt politicians act does is it automatically registers everyone to vote if you interact with government. So if you get a welfare payment, if you get an unemployment payment, if you get a driver’s license, if you go to a public college or university.”

“They know that that will automatically register millions of illegal aliens. That is the intended purpose of the bill is to have millions of illegal aliens and millions of criminals, millions of felons automatically registered.”

Interesting how he conflates illegal aliens with criminals and felons. Pure Trumpism, “they’re not sending their best people”…”they’re murderers and rapists.”

It’s also interesting how the naturalization system is being totally disregarded as though it doesn’t exist. Just come into the country, you can be a tourist even, we presume, but if you “interact with the government” you’ll be able to vote, citizen or not. The whole body of immigration law has just been abrogated by Teddums, in one morning rant.

It makes your head hurt to listen, but a lot of people believe this. They hear fear, panic, oh no, somebody is going to take what’s mine and that’s what Ted Cruz wants them to hear. He’s your safe Republican daddy and he will protect you.

You’re going to hear a lot more of this, and worse. The GOP does not want H.R. 1 passed.  H.R. 1 is like the old Raid commercial, where the cartoon cockroaches see the can and run screaming. The Republicans do not want to see increased registration, or God forbid, high turnout, because that’s their death knell.

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  1. I think it’s time to question tweedled and dumb Cruz about his family history … was he here from Canada?
    Was he a legal immigrant? How much did he pay for his papers?
    Why is he so down on immigrants? Does he think his history shows an American born history?

    What’s his main source of income? It certainly should NOT be the citizens of the United States … calling him a Senator is fake news, he is a grand standing idiot, unmasked so everyone can see his magnificence …

    He’s like most bullies, LOUD and lies with the greatest of ease … a few charges of misconduct and public outrage could sling that bacon gun-cooking sack of cow dung out in the Arizona desert … with all the nice rattle snakes already there …

    • I am beginning to hate Ted Cruz as much as I did Trump. That’s frightening. But it’s warranted, because Cruz is power mad. He will lie, say, do anything to have power.

      • Cruz is just like almost all republiQanons, wants money and power while being as cruel along the way as possible. He showed that he doesn’t give a F*CK about the people that he is supposed to represent. While they were suffering and freezing to death, he took off for warmer places instead of doing anything to help. No different than any other republiQanon!!

        • The fact he took his family to Cancun was not the problem. Lots of Texans went elsewhere if they could. It was the “instead of” part that was the problem. He didn’t do anything even though he is the highest ranking federal government official in Texas.

  2. Your bolded quote is a master class in propagandizing on so many levels. Teachers should collect it and others like it when gathering real life materials for teaching critical thinking. Cruz, like so many others on the right, long ago gave of the privilege of ever being taken seriously. However, it doesn’t mean he is no less dangerous.

  3. “You belong to your father, the devil, & you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar & the father of lies.” Jesus. John 8:44. Hey teddy do you ever worry about judgement when your sorry fat ass takes a dirt nap? I thought you read the Bible & followed Jesus. Wow, turns out your a cocksucker for Satan. Following a man who have been caught in 35,000 lies, not counting your own. UH OH SPAGETTIO.

  4. It’s truly amazing how these ILLEGAL immigrants are going to “get a welfare payment . . . an unemployment payment . . .a driver’s license [or] go to a public college or university,” and just get all of that WITHOUT having a VALID government-issued proof of identification beforehand. I’m guessing Ted doesn’t realize how “unemployment payments” work either. First off, you have to have had a job and then be fired or laid off before you can even think of getting unemployment. And, according to the law–that GOPers tend to ignore when it comes to illegal immigrants–you have to be a LEGAL resident of the US, and if you’re not an actual US citizen, you have to have a government-issued document (a “green card”) that allows you to work in the US. (GOPers tend to forget about that part when they fearmonger about illegal immigrants “stealing” work from “good Americans” because so many of their big-money corporate donors are kind of willing to “overlook” the need for documentation, especially when it comes to “crap” jobs, like restaurant dishwashers or yard maintenance workers or lettuce pickers.)

    As to welfare, again, you usually have to have some VALID government-issued documentation to verify your eligibility for the program. And driver’s licenses? Again. There’s a need to get government approval for that (even in states that are willing to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, it’s not like the states just throw out blank licenses on the roadway for people to find and fill out for themselves). And the “colleges and universities” bits, again, you don’t usually just go to one of them without having proof you *can* go (ie, grades).


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