I guess there must be a memo being passed around all elected officials of the GOP, saying: When in doubt, do not attempt to come up with any sane or measured response to anything, because you know you don’t have one. Instead, dust off the oldest, hoariest, most encrusted with age and decay talking points that you can find, and tweet them out.

Ted Cruz probably spent $10.03 cents or thereabouts on a production of this level. Ted, next time just do us all a favor. Go to Cancun and stay there. Your wife probably won’t even report you missing, she’ll just be glad you’re gone, as will the rest of us.

And no, Teddums, panicked Dems aren’t floating this. You are.

Hillary had this to say, in the wake of everybody going bonkers over Trump tearing, eating, flushing.

But they can’t quit Hillary. She’s in their bloodstream. When the moon gets full, they grow fur and go out and howl after dark, Hillllary awooooooo Hillareeee!!

They’re like a broken record. They’re also desperate for counter programming topics at Fox right now and evidently you can always drag out the Clintons once again. If a meteor was about to smash into the earth, they’d drag out the Clintons.

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  1. Hillary has said she won’t run again. They keep trying to turn that into a lie, because no one on their side wants to admit that all they have is lying grifters who are trying to repeat the former guy’s limited success.

  2. What makes you think Cancun wouldn’t put him in a straightjacket and send him back to us C.O.D.? Okay, maybe they WOULD keep him – and put him in those stocks like they had long, long ago so people could pelt his ugly mug with overripe tomatoes! Hell, they could make a fortune from American tourists making the trip and charging them fifty bucks for a chance to pop Cruz in the face with a tomato!


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