Take My Word For It Joy, It’s Too Late!


Dear God, when will this ever end. After giving a quick run down on the events likely to take place in El Pendejo Presidente’s last 40 hours, Joy Ann Reid on MSNBC segues into a segment to take place after the break, in which she asked if once Trump was gone, would Trump drunk GOP incumbents see the light, or was it already to save the GOP.

*Spoiler Alert* It’s too late. It’s at least two election cycles too late, but maybe not for the reason you’re thinking. In politics, Representatives and Senators come, and Representatives and Senators go, and their ideologies come and go with them. If it were nothing more than the elected members, then there would always be hope of ideological change. But the real problem is that the Republican Party no longer has a functional base.

In the days following the bloody insurrection at the Capitol, the vote to certify the election results, and the House vote to impeach Trump, a very disturbing pattern has emerged. Multiple House members have come forward to admit that they have received death threats from their own voters following their votes. Some voted to certify the election, but not to impeach Trump, and some did the opposite. Some even toed the line and voted to refuse to certify the election, and to not impeach Trump, but got death threats from suspicious Trump loyalists anyway.

Now, let me make this perfectly, crystal clear. I don’t give a fat rats ass who you are, or what your political leanings are, you should never be subject to death threats! Never. Whether meant purely for intimidation purposes, or whether it’s actually a sick fuck who plans to follow through. That being said, Welcome to the club gang, we’ve been wondering when you’d come around! Democratic party leaders like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and The Squad have been getting death threats from Trump fascists since day one. Consider it a badge of courage if it helps you get through the night.

But that brings into frighteningly sharp relief what is wrong with the GOP, and why it is far too late to save it. These incumbents have three choices. They can keep following their oaths and their beliefs, and risk death for themselves of their families. They can roll over, slavishly espouse the Trump doctrine, and try like hell to stay out of the spotlight. Or, they can follow the smart money, and get out of that insane asylum before something really bad happens.

See, here’s where it all falls apart. Let’s just say that these representatives do the intelligent and self protective thing, and say Goom-bye. Who is going to run to replace them? The word is already out on the street! The only ones who will run will be batshit crazy Trombies who have already drunk the Kool-Aid. And in safe GOP districts, this means an inevitable transition to an entire batshit crazy Trump GOP caucus.

Now don’t get me wrong. The Trump acolytes are still a minority in the GOP. Unfortunately for everyone, they’re the batshit crazy assholes with all of the guns, and no moral compass whatsoever. And that alone will drive the candidates that run for the GOP. Traditional GOP voters will end up either voting for radical candidates they are totally opposed to, or they will sit at home, and risk being represented by Democrats, with whom they bitterly disagree on policy and agenda. There is no other choice.

This is why it is inevitable that there will be an ascendant traditional conservative party that will come forward, and the sooner the better. There are way more traditional conservative voters than card carrying Trombies, but they need a new home to land in. Once that happens, starting with the House, the Trump laden GOP will start to become an irrelevant party. And when the last one finally gets his or her ass handed to them, the only question for the old Republican party will be, Will the last one out, please turn out the lights. This has gone too far.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. Like a bad acid trip, i hope to wake up to some version of sanity come wed 12:01. Frump’s troops in the gop remind’s me of some folks i had to hospitalize for fixed & dangerous delusions. Now, it seems, it is spreading like a virus. 300 million guns in the hands of my fellow citizens, including military style weapons, gives one pause. Especially, given the shallow, black & white answers they cling to. But, i’m not worried. I ‘ve got God on my side.

      • Guess sarcasm is lost on many here. Ironic how so many ‘thinkers’ miss that swipe at easy answers. By the way irony isnt rain or a fly in the wine. It’s you guys.

    • Not trying to rain on your belief system or you personally but, please spare us the “God on my side” crap. It’s stupid and is typically only believed by stupid people. I mean, seriously. It’s the same stupid system that exists in high school football–especially in the South. It may be far less common now than it once was but it used to be common practice for a MINISTER to offer a prayer before football games, and that was on top of BOTH TEAMS offering prayers in the locker room because BOTH TEAMS would win since “we have God on our side.” (Of course, “God” was never the cause for one team’s loss–which had to happen as no football fan will ever accept the idea of a tied game–but rather the coach, or more often, a player or the players in general would be blamed for “failing” God.)

      How can you possibly believe that you’ve got God on your side, given the past 4 years that we’ve all been subjected to? All the idiots that put Trump in office ALSO believed they had God on their side and that Trump’s election was proof of it. You can’t be right if they were and they couldn’t be right if you are.

      • Irony? Sarcasm? Look neithet you or i or any homo sapien has any Truth. Know the speed of light? 186,000 miles/sec. It goes around the earth 7x/sec. Still takes 8min to get to us from the sum. 4yrs to the nxt star at that speed. Light has been measured back 13.7 billion years. There are more stars than grains of sand on every beach on earth, yet we use light to measure the distance between them. Hmmm. I studied with scholars at the oldedt state university in the land. Most people on earth believe in some type of supreme being, force, tao. Etc. However, i find most people don’t know much of anything. Happened to be the point. I’ve read my share of science, including mr Hawkins, & he admits the limits of what we think we know, but admits uncertainty. When u don’t know where you are, i don’t see many experts on the forces that lie behind the cosmos. What happens when u die? Who the phuck knows. Just know somewhere in space & time each of us are “not only merely dead, but most sincerely dead” listen to bob dylan’s song with that phrase. then come back with crap if u like. I think you’ll see u & others are wayyy off.

  2. I have a neighbor, never met him/her, who has had a ‘we love president trump’ sign in his/her yard for 4 years. They may be on of the local county republican leaders as they have usually had every republican sign in their yard for every election. I drove by today and the trump sign was gone. all the trump signs they have had up for years are gone.


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