If you go over to Twitter today and read the tweets relating to John Durham’s purported epic revelation on Friday, the MAGAs are up in arms. Vast crimes have been committed. You would think you were watching Dune or Star Wars, such is the scope of nefarious deed that is being inferred. And the reality? Crickets.

But take a look. It never hurts to see what the other side is reacting to, right?

Here’s Fox News in essence declaring that it may be necessary to get into armed conflict with Russia in order to distract from the Durham revelation, it is that monumental.

And this from Don Junior.

Now whoa, let’s slow down just a little. Durham is bringing indictments? Where? Anybody know of a single indictment or grand jury that John Durham has caused to happen as a result of his investigation?

And then there’s Trump going bananas, all caps.

Mark Meadows has chimed in, Jim Jordan has gone off, go over to the New York Post if you want to read his ideas on this. But here’s the bottom line from a Washington Examiner reporter talking to Fox News: nothing is going to happen. It’s yet another big-sounding moment which when you get down to it and analyze it, nothing much happened at all, let alone something big. Raw Story:

Lawyer John Durham filed court documents on Friday that is heavy on accusations but thin on evidence. Conservative supporters of President Donald Trump are grasping to a claim that the Office of the Presidency was being spied on for a few weeks when he was in office. According to Durham, however, the “spying” effort on the presidency began in 2014, when former President Barack Obama was in office.

Speaking about the filing, Washington Examiner reporter Byron York revealed there wasn’t much “there” there.

‘I don’t read a lot into this,” said York. “But I would say as far as Durham is concerned and a lot of Republicans and especially the strongest Trump supporters, a lot of them have been disappointed in Durham. Frankly, because I think they have expectations that are too high. Some Trump supporters are really not going to be happy unless they saw James Comey or Hillary Clinton lead out of a door in handcuffs.”

This, he explained, is never going to happen. Nor will Durham find something suddenly that results in President Joe Biden being kicked out of office and Trump reinstated.

Hit the above link and see the video of this conversation. What a world we live in. A pebble gets thrown into a pond and right-wing media characterizes it as the Titanic.

The moral of this story is that the next time RedState calls something “shock and awe” it’s time to roll over and go back to sleep.


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  1. As I said in a comment to an article you posted yesterday when you look through all the legalese in the stuff the GOP is shouting about there are no allegations. Just some pointing out that certain people worked in the same firms or agencies on unrelated matters, and “perhaps, maybe, possibly etc.” they might have mentioned something to another one of them. Maybe. I learned a new term in all the Trump shit we’ve seen filings on – “Speaking Indictment” and it boils down to prosecutors including specific violations of specific crimes and at least some of the supporting evidence that would be presented at trial. The only thing this stuff of Durham’s that now out there is is a series of questions, and not even suggestions of actual crimes that might have been committed. A big nothing burger fancied up in a lot of legal language but I rather suspect a federal judge would have a WTF are you doing wasting the court’s time with this stuff conversation in open court if Durham tried to present a case.

    • Context is everything. If what they had was valid, let alone monumental, they would have said, “this is new because….” and explained how it affected the big picture. There was none of that. There was mention of a technician doing thus and such but how it affected anything was unclear. As was the time frame of the technicians activities.

      • Timing is as important if not more so than context. As I said yesterday Durham could have closed his investigation long ago but has kept it active. Perhaps “active” is more accurate. Again, while it’s speculation Durham had probably counted on moving to a big money partnership at one of the truly elite law firms to pad his retirement account after so many years with DOJ. And after putting out feelers realized he was tarnished with orange Trump shitstain. And Trump has expressed dissatisfaction with him now and then since back before the election so somewhere along the line after Jan. 6 after the GOP blew their chance to have some means of moderating the damage a real investigation would do he began planning. As we know there are going to be public hearings and they are going to be bad news for the GOP. Even Fox would have had to cover them some, if only to put on guests that would offer up lies and bullshit as a counter-narrative but the fact is they’d be on defense.

        Now? Durham has handed them a shitburger but they have now have an excuse (as does talk radio and other RWNJ “news”) to completely ignore the hearings in favor of “Breaking” and “This just in!” bullshit rehasing the same old shitburger and making it seem like hunk of Angus Prime Rib. Durahm hopes this will curry enough favor with Trump to get out of the doghouse and maybe get a juicy consulting gig with Fox and write a book.

  2. Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I’m cynical. Take your pick but don’t campaigns spy on each other regularly? I thought the days of running an honorable, up-front sort of campaign went away decades ago. What’s the big deal? Did Hillary use a foreign operative to do it maybe? That is the only way there might be a problem near as I can figure. Honestly I thought there was actually a job title to hire someone to do this sort of thing.

  3. So all the lefties said Trump was an agent of the left and Jake Sullivan lied his tush off.
    No one apologizes because they hate Trump.
    Now we say there is no evidence. What weak shallow evil people the left are made of. This is going to bring Hillary in hand-cuffs. Wait and see losers.

  4. wow. I was unaware President Biden had anything to do with the build-up of troops on Ukraine’s border. I mean, that would be the only way the twat on Faux Nuz could make such a tail-wagging-the-dog statement she did. hmmph. who knew?

    I must say the talking heads on faux aren’t getting any brighter.


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