It gets frankly exhausting trying to keep up with both the collapse of the Republican party and the self-immolation of Donald Trump — and all the collateral damage that is inflicted on the sanity of the country as a result. The latest from just half an hour ago is that Trump could not go even one freaking minute without contravening an instruction given to him by a judge — but this is who we want running the country?

Baby Trump threw a fit when asked to leave the witness stand. “It’s not America,” his definition of America, being a place where he can break laws at will, both civil and criminal and we won’t mention moral. He breaks God’s laws routinely but the so-called Xians love him, go figure. In any event, if you want a break from the madness, watch this delightful clip from Lincoln Project.

MAGA is a tumor, every day and in every way.

And the beat goes on.


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  1. Hitler had 20,000 detention and death camps. He murdered 11 MILLION people. If the allies hadn’t liberated the survivors, there’s no telling how many more would have died. This nazi and his nazi cult MUST BE STOPPED! We need to call it what it is and have NO TOLERANCE FOR THEIR EVIL! Vote! It’s either that or it will require an unimaginable effort to quell this madness and the GODDAMN members of this death cult.

  2. Has dingleberry never watched either an actual trial on t.v. or a weekly show about crime, trials, etc.? I mean, I guess not since he hasn’t a clue that a trial is not a rally. He’s an idiot so it is quite obvious he’s never read a book. I figure he learned to speak, well, kind of given his word salad, off of cartoons.



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