Poor Parody. She couldn’t keep up anymore, and so she, like Irony, decided to end it all one cold heartless day. For the rest of us left behind in this cruel cruel world, you’ll want to know that Donald Trump Junior is shocked, shocked we tell you, that people find out on Twitter that they have been fired. Junior feels that that is the utmost in depraved behavior and simply cannot be countenanced by civilized people.

What’s that you say? Did the man never hear of how Daddy fired his own Chief of Staff (the first one, he fired three total) Reince Priebus, on Twitter, or his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson — who allegedly was not only on Twitter but on the toilet as well at the time — or the Homeland Security person, Kirstjen Nielson, or the White House lawyer, Don McGahn or any of the others, right there on the electric tweet box and in front of the world, at the speed of light.

Oh, and don’t forget about James Comey. He was standing around and happened to see a chyron on Fox News and that’s how he found out that he was no longer running the FBI. Talk about a rude awakening. And then Donald Trump Sr. got on the horn to Chuck Schumer to brag about it and hear Shumer’s congratulations, because he just knew that the firing of Comey was going to go over big in Dem World because of Hillary and then it didn’t work out that way at all.

In all events, Junior apparently doesn’t know about any of these terminations via tweet or chyron and so he is quite incensed that a group of cheerleaders, who used to work for the team previously known as the Washington Redskins, found out on Twitter that they no longer had jobs.

If you want to hear a bleary-eyed, stoned-looking Junior carry on about this issue, hit this link to Raw Story and scroll to the bottom of the page. Junior put a video on Rumble, not on Twitter, perhaps in fear of their wrath, and so I can’t embed it here. But it’s a classic. He’s not as hammered as he was at the Republican National Convention, but he’s not in the same condition as the proverbial judge, either.


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  1. He is totally baked in that photo! I guess if I’d been stupid enough to get into a very public relationship with someone as cray as Kimberly Guilifoyle and couldn’t get out of it without creating an ever bigger public relations disaster I’d need to get stoned out of my gourd now and then too.

    • He’s stoned more than now and then. He’s pretty much wasted whenever he gets in front of a camera. I anticipate that he’ll be in some famous rehab like Betty Ford before too long.

      • Naw Ursula, Trumpler will just lock Jr & Goldfoil in the garage & let ’em go cold turkey.
        Not a lot of sympathy within that “family”.

  2. With massive apologies to David Bowie: “Well, it must be the side effects of the cocaine,/Cause it sure as hell can’t be love,/It’s too late/To be grateful/It’s too late/To be late again/It’s too late/To be hateful/The criminal prosecution is here!”


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