Amazing how even the most preposterous ideas can be planted in the news cycle and grow legs immediately. It’s only 24 hours after Donald Trump’s most recent meltdown on Truth Social (in the August heat, post-raid, they come regularly now) wherein he cried out for a “new election” and now the idea is moving like wildfire.

None other than Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani were on the former’s War Room podcast this morning and Bannon has a cockamamie plan as to how this can be effected.

He even claims that Jamie Raskin knows about how to do this. Interesting.

We will be in the new year of 2023 in the not too distant future and Joe Biden will actively be running for reelection, but no, we are still rehashing and relitigating the 2020 election.

This is so mentally ill. The GOP needs to move on but Trump won’t let them, because the grift is too good. And that’s where Bannon and Giuliani are as well. As long as there’s a dollar to be had, they’re in and whatever the pernicious and destructive effects on democracy are, too bad.

Trump had two days after the Mar-a-Lago search warrant execution where he raised $1 million each day. This is the irresistible lure. If the rubes would just have the common sense to elect good officials and not fall for scams, we wouldn’t have this in our culture. But they don’t and this is here to stay, from what I can ascertain. As long as people who don’t know how government works think that they can accomplish something by lining the palm of a grifter with greenbacks, there will be no shortage of grifters.


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  1. What do YOU think?
    There should be a law for people who spread BS (without evidence) should be locked up
    yes or no?

    I vote yes

    • That’s thirty-two years. The federal system doesn’t have parole and gives very little time off for good behavior, not that Trump would earn any. But that kind of federal time would mean him dying in prison. Sadly, at the state level he’d come up for parole perhaps early enough that he could be breathing free air when he dies so if convicted at the state level it needs to be 11,780 months!

        • I guess I didn’t make my point well. I WANT his worthless ass to die in prison, wearing a scratchy orange jumpsuit, reeking of the stench of prison and breathing prison air for his last breath.

  2. Yes there should be severe penalties (prison time!) for spreading lies and disinformation! And as far as the cancerous puss-bag is concerned, there is no way that Traitor Tot can be reinstated to a position that he never legitimately held in the first place!

  3. Is insanity contagious? Bannon sounds like he caught trumps kooky cooties like you catch a cold. Could be stupidity tho’ and that is contagious.


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