Let us be crystal clear: the latest flashpoint in the culture war, the Chinese spy balloon, was handled 100% properly by Joe Biden. Biden waited until the balloon was over the ocean to have America’s top guns shoot it down.

He did this for two reasons. 1) To shoot it down over land would have been potentially hazardous to people and infrastructure; 2) Most importantly, shooting it down over water allows for the retrieval of the intelligence collection pod, which will allow the government to study and possibly reverse-engineer Chinese intelligence and communications systems.

This is an intelligence win, no question about it. Hands down, this was the proper way to handle this situation. But the Republicans don’t want to admit this simple fact. So that led to this exchange.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Short and to the point! That’s good writing. Novelist and activist James Baldwin once said, “a sentence should be as clean as a bone.” I think Master King achieved that goal here.

And that got the Twitter ball rolling.

This is a comment that was repeated over and over in different form. The gist of the right-wing argument is that the Bidens, plural, all on China’s payroll, were just fine with having the Chinese collect all the data they wanted.

That’s the gist of this major drama that is raging on social and mainstream media. The balloon was disabled. The balloon was shot down when it got over water, in order to minimize damages to people, buildings, and the balloon itself. The United States government is now in possession of the key components of the intelligence balloon.

It’s a win for the United States but the anti-American Republican party does not want you to believe that. What a joke the GOP has become. Unfortunately, it’s not funny. It’s tragic.


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  1. When white gumby speaks…you can count on it being a lie or deflection. Here’s a koan: what’s the sound of one weasel typing?

  2. Hell, the morons from MT wanted the fucking thing shot down over MT. Fuck the possible people below. In case you all are wondering, MT does have space between towns. Thing is, it is becoming a lot less every year. Places that were farm and ranch land are no bedroom communities of places like Great Falls, Billings, etc. Just looking at the flight path depicted on various maps the damned thing would have spread debris all over the fucking place especially when you consider all the wind (not just from ol’ windbag daines) that IS pretty much a constant in the places in MT that thing glided over. Fact is had it been shot down over MT, WY, KS, etc. someone (s) would have been injured or possibly killed by falling debris.

    One other thing the morons representing MT did not even consider for one moment is this: debris that is falling because something has been shot down has the potential to be quite hot/burning. The last thing MT needs ESPECIALLY in the windy conditions we’ve had the past week or two is a fucking wildfire. Wildfires could give two fucks where they start-they just burn and travel every which way the wind blows. Talk to someone from Jordan sometime-they have experienced the latest off-season wildfire. I’ll bet they are re-thinking their support of the ‘pube morons in congress (I talked to a couple of friends up there-they were fucking LIVID when daines opened his ignorant pie-hole).


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