Lauren Boebert might as well be a lame duck officially, because in practical terms, she is just that. She’s trailing her Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch, by quite a lot in fundraising cash, and she’s got a GOP contender coming up on her other flank, looking to primary her. Life for Bobo AB (After Beetlejuice) is not good.

In order to counter balance that situation, and hopefully regain some of the massive ground — and credibility — that she has lost, she’s trying to convince her constituents that she is legislating away. She’s not. She doesn’t have the tools to do so, never did. She’s there as a Republican rubber stamp vote. If she had the sense God gave a goat, she’d keep her mouth shut, show up to all the votes, and do what she’s told. But she doesn’t, so she’s cobbling together the appearance of legislation and Steny Hoyer just busted her on it. Once again, she looks profoundly stupid, which is what she is.

Pure comedy. “What funds are in this bill?” the man asks, three times in fact, and there are no funds. Why would you need funds, Steny? This is all for show. This is like one of those delicious looking cakes in a bakery window. You go by it and think, “Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that great cake. That cake looks soooo good.” And that’s because you don’t realize that what you’re looking for is an advertising for icing decoration and the “cake” itself is cardboard. It’s there for show, it’s a sales pitch, nothing more.

Just like Bobo. She’s cardboard with frosting as well. Her entire political being is a Sarah Palin-Lite show biz endeavor. She’s got the Palin hair and glasses and in point of fact, she’s not even as smart as Palin. But the Republicans don’t care. They want a certain type of female, that looks a certain way and spouts the right talking points, and that’s it. This is the era of Fox News legislation. Real governance doesn’t exist in the GOP nowadays, they’re too busy cobbling together the next sound bite and video.

Bobo had no answers for Hoyer and good for him for nailing her on it. And she won’t have any in the future if she persists along this path. Her day is done. She may not even survive a Republican primary. She won her last election by the skin of her teeth, 562 votes, and unless I miss my guess, she’ll get buried in an avalanche of Democratic votes this time next year. At least that is my profound hope. I look forward to cracking open champagne on either the night she’s 1. primaried or 2. the night Frisch beats her like a drum.

Adam for Colorado. Donate.


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