It’s been said that only Rudy Giuliani could get you ten years in prison on a traffic ticket, but wait just a minute now: I think Sidney Powell may be about to go Rudy one better. There is going to be a “massive filing” this week and alllll kinds of lawyers, led by Powell, are going to band together to protect the rights of those noble souls who are incarcerated and awaiting adjudication for smashing windows and smearing ca ca on the floors and walls of the Capitol in January. Sort of the ACLU of the “short bus people.”

The only thing that leaps to mind is that Powell figures that if she’s fighting the “good” fight that she’ll be able to do fundraising and fill her coffers. Good luck with that. Many’s the insurrectionist who is cooling his heels in the slammer right now and wondering why Trump didn’t A) issue a pardon or B) pay the legal fees.


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  1. AFAIK the ones in jail are there because they can’t be trusted if they’re released from detention. (They haven’t been tried and found guilty. Yet.) Most of them have been released on bail or own recognizance. Powell is lying about this, too. (Also, her record with the “Kraken” is 0-for-October.)


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