Well, this is interesting. Now the Chinese surveillance balloon which went down in pieces at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean is being treated like the mothership in Independence Day and Fox News is worried about what the balloon left behind.

It suspects “surveillance products” were dropped and disbursed.

And not just any old surveillance products, no sir, we are talking about the ones powered by solar energy. Whether this represents a dig at the libs (if you guys didn’t have the dumb solar technology the Chinese wouldn’t be able to steal it) or if this represents some elevation of thought on the part of Fox News, that now they actually believe in solar energy, I have no idea.

Now let us ponder this: Perhaps the “products” were in the form of tiny flying monkeys and they’re going to be hovering over your shoulder and reading everything you type on the internet or post on Twitter.

Or, maybe they’re just little eyeballs and they will hover outside of all the windows and peek in. Better start putting tin foil on the windows and be sure to save enough for your hat.

What’s that you say? Why is a financial reporter talking about high tech surveillance equipment? I suspect it’s because we had a record breaking 517,000 jobs added this past month, unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 1969, which is longer than most Americans have been alive, and Fox News screaming can’t stand it. That’s my best guess.

You know, the Chinese should have done that. I’ve had Chinese beer. It’s most excellent. That would have been a gesture of good will, send a yuuge balloon to drop mini balloons to give us all a six pack. Kinda like, I’d like to buy the world a Coke, but much better. Throw in some egg rolls, better still.

The mosquitos. Just wait until summer. When you get bit, and you have that bump on your flesh, that’s the implant. That’s the chip for the Mark of the Beast. This is Steve Jobs to the 10th degree or beyond.

Fox News does it messaging well. Be afraid. Be very afraid.



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  1. Hold on a goddamn second. You mean to tell me they believe the sun exist? Wow. Now we’re getting somewhere on the road to nowhere!

  2. They were probahly trying to get it refilled with hot air over Mar a Lago while the minibots flew down to collect the papers they were promised but it went off course


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