Lisa Rubin on Twitter shares from the January 6th report transcripts of former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham’s testimony that White House Usher Tim Harlech was close to being fired by drumpf and McCarthy for sharing information that would be helpful to Biden’s transition to his transition team.

But apparently Melania intervened:

When Mel is the nicest person in a room, you know the room is full of A-holes.

But the big story here is the tattle-tells in the US Secret Service.


One would hope.



But I’m being redundant…



Already more free passes than a Led Zep concert…

Free steak dinners and golf and prime rooms at his resort dumps.


Sorry about the quick post, I’m running late for work this morning.

And read the rest of Lisa Rubin’s thread if you are so inclined… it is most informative.

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  1. That was an interesting thought raised about the Biden’s dog Major. I know that cats are the clear favorites among folks on this site, but as a lifelong “dog person” who has had quite loyal ones I know two things – how loyal they are to their “hoomins”, and how protective they are of those who are good to them. I could tell you some stories, both that I have witnessed in other’s dogs and personal one regarding my own.

    If Major bit, or tried to bite Secret Service personnel (or other WH staffers that were loyal to Trump) I’d be willing to bet it’s because he sized them up and flat-out didn’t trust them. And worse felt they might harm one of the Bidens and by harm I mean said or did something (even if dogs don’t understand English there’s a lot they seem to understand about how people say what they say) that raised Major’s hackles – and made him think they were about to do something bad to one of the Bidens. Trust me when I tell you dogs can pick up on lack of respect, dirty looks, correctly interpret mumbled deragatory comments about their human caregivers and will become not only vigilant but act on it.

    There’s a long story I won’t get into about my old mutt Ruff almost fifty years ago and what he did looking out for my mom (dying of cancer) when he bit a relative. The relative was an asshole btw, but the funny part is my dad could never stand Ruff and the feeling was mutual as Ruff knew dad didn’t like him but Ruff also knew better than to do much about it. Until then. When dad got home late that night and we told him the story it took some convincing but once he realized it was true he thought Ruff was the greatest dog that ever lived. He even called Ruff to him and patted the bed so he’d jump up there. And for the first time Ruff did get up in that bed! He and dad were great pals after that. Dad truly liked Ruff and ole Ruff instantly knew things had changed and he had a new admirer.

    Dogs that are well treated are fantastic judges of character for their humans. (or for themselves for that matter) and if SS agents got bitten as I say it’s because Major knew they were assholes – and that while HE would take a bullet for the Bidens there were agents who wouldn’t!

  2. “S” is supposed to stand for “Secret Service,” not “Schutzstaffel.” Their loyalty is to.the office.of the President and other elected officials they are sworn to protect, not the person holding that office. It isn’t supposed to.matter whether you agree with his policies or whether you like him. If they aren’t willing to.behave that way, they need to be reassigned.
    Biden didn’t trust Trump’s detail.for that reason, and wisely chose people who had protected him as VP. The secret service needs a clean-up crew on aisle 7.The current crew cannot be trusted.



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