This is vintage nuttiness. There are form “Medical Malpractice” suits online, evidently. I can tell you firsthand from having worked on a few medical malpractice cases that you start out with a letter to the doctor’s malpractice carrier. But granted, most people don’t know that, so this level of harassment and intimidation is going on.

This is one for the books.

I can’t believe I’m actually seeing this in the United States in the year 2021. This is phenomenal.

The working theory that has been arrived at is that this harassment of school boards is going on to undermine and destroy public education. Then education will be handled by charter schools and here we go, it’s Betsy DeVos time.

If I was on a school board right now, I would be moving that we take our meetings via Zoom and to heck with these public confrontations. This is too nuts for anybody to deal with.

There’s a larger issue here as well, and that’s that we’re losing our decency and humanity as a people. It’s fine for people to disagree about how to do things in a democracy. That’s the basis of democracy. But the level of intimidation that we’ve seen in recent months, done in the name of COVID-19, is unlike anything else heretofore seen in this country. School Board members have been followed to their homes, people have screamed obscenities at board meetings, wild accusations and conspiracy theory thrives. This is not America.

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  1. Unfortunately, this IS “Murikkka”. This is republican/drumpfism fascism. Begin at the school board levels and infiltrate and destroy from within. If you can afford to emigrate to France, NOW is the time….

  2. These people have been around since the country started up. However Trumpleism has enabled these undignified crazed spiderish half-humans to creep up out of the cracks. They need to be stomped out.


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