I wonder if Donald Trump has ever met George Santos? Because the two of them would be great on the same ticket. As a matter of fact, they could form the Delusionist Party and it would be the most honest thing that either of them had ever done in their lives.

As you recall, Mitt Romney opined that Santos should not be working the room at the State of the Union address, but rather that he should be respectful and sit and watch, as other freshman congress members before him have done. Romney’s comment was based in tradition. People brand new to Washington are supposed to listen and watch what’s happening on the floor, not use it as a play area. The SOTU is a landmark occasion in our politics, not a cocktail party, was Romney’s point, I believe.

Santos told Romney on right-wing media to “go fuck himself” and now he’s doubling down on that action by comparing himself to Rosa Parks. That’s insane enough, but to triple down, his “team” (campaign team, may be presume?) believes that this is a winning formula to get him elected. Interesting theory: make an insane conflation between yourself and an historical figure you have jack nothing in common with, and that will be a winner.

Here’s what got that rolling.

And here’s what came shortly after.

Is it just me, or do you see Santos sitting in the back seat of an SUV so he can get filmed? I guess the back seat is alright for some things then, right?

There you have it in a nutshell.


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  1. How did this yahoo get elected? Everyone here thinks Santos is an idiot for his little self-comparison to a GIANT of the Civil Rights Movement but I question the intelligence of the voters who elected him. This people are on par with those who think Marjie Kooky Pants and Bobo the Clown should be in Congress. And they live in NY? NYC in fact? WTF? My dog wouldn’t vote for this moron even if he could fill out the ballot.

    • I’ve commented elsewhere on PZ about the heavy Santos internet advertising I saw, while his Dem opponent was virtually silent on the web, and the story was mucb rhe same on local TV. The GOP came damn close to unseating Gov. Hochul by beating crime/cashless bail issue to death, and Dem leadership seemed to have their heads in the sand while this was happening. While Ms. Hochul survived the onslaught, enough LI Democratic voters stayed home to flip 2 LI and one or two Hudson Valley districts, thus handing the GOP its slim house majority.

      A gerrymandering court case also played a part; on LI, the new map was adopted not long before the primaries, and it moved the 3rd CD west of its former boundaries, which MAY have left some voters confused. The Santos advertising blitz was so intense, I doubt most voters even remembered his opponent’s name.

      The debacle led to plenty of finger-pointing, and calls for the State party chairman to step down.

      As it stands now, Santos DOESN’T have the support of either the local Queens or Nassau county GOP, so any run for re-election is a non-starter.

  2. Hey Georgie or is it Georgina? No worries. You can sit at the front of the bus to Rikers. Enjoy the ride, your new outfit, and your new ‘friends’. All paid for by your constituents!

  3. The voters of Queens must have been asleep at the wheel for him to get in. He won’t have a second chance. The one good thing is he is an albatross around the neck of the GOP and they can’t easily rid themselves of the rotting bird. The longer he stays, the deeper the stain and the stench. So, hang in there George, you’re doing a wonderful job!

  4. George Santos, Civil Rights leader! A childhood memory emerged when I read the headline. I was quite young when some iconic moments played on our TV screen in the early 60s. Including the March to Selma. You see, after Bloody Sunday our preacher answered MLK’s call and drove down there. (It seemed generally the adults in our Presbyterian congregation were ok with it but not all) So naturally we’d all watch the evening news when the march to Selma actually took place, looking for a glimpse of “Pope” (our minister’s name was Lee Pope Ward and everyone called him Pope) but despite some false sightings a closer look showed it wasn’t him after all.

    But you know what? NOW, seeing your headline I realized there WAS someone out there I recognize. Now at least. Right out front, admonishing all those National Guard Troops and Alabama LE who mostly wanted nothing more than for the Guard to not be there so they could crack heads again like on Bloody Sunday was GEORGE SANTOS! Yep. Through the force of his will and “character” HE was the one who kept those who wanted to do harm to the marchers at bay. Oh how they trembled (as I now remember it) at Santos’ presence. Feared his wrath should they disobey his commands to let the marchers be!

    My gawd. But for George Santos every marcher on that epic journey would have met a fate worse than death! Santos saved the Civil Rights movement!


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