It’s generally agreed that the 2020 election is the most consequential election in the lives of anybody now living, if not in all of American history. Either we are looking at the end of the democratic experiment in this country, or we are looking at the end of Donald Trump. This has been America’s strangest and most divisive interlude, stranger than the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression and anything else that has impacted our culture and changed the direction that we’ve gone the past 244 years.

It has been a strange time, and the wonder of “this bizarre era, is that such a small person, with such a limited understanding of reality, could command the national stage and a massive proportion of the media’s attention for the better part of five years. All by itself, that fact does not speak well of the condition of American civil society, let alone “democratic discourse.”‘

Trump is toast and this surfeit of scrutiny, the never ending spotlight that Trump has come to take as his due is about to end and Cinderella going back to the ashes doesn’t even begin to cover it. Trump is flailing right now. He’s tried everything, and none of it works. For the guy whose mounting outrages only made him more invincible four years ago, to be where he is now, where nothing works, is terrifying. Salon:

He believed his ludicrous Bible-clutching photo-op in front of St. John’s Church would cause patriotic moms and dads in the heartland to weep and swoon at his godly power. (In fact, I believe a great many devout Christians, including some conservative evangelicals, felt profoundly insulted, and not for the first time.) He believed his Keystone Kops pseudo-military intervention in Portland, Oregon — mail-order fascism on the cheap, as Salon columnist Lucian K. Truscott IV has put it — would be a display of macho dominance that would make the notional “suburban housewives” he both desires and despises go wobbly in the knees.

Donald Trump still believes that he can grab ’em by the you-know-what, and until now has avoided coming to grips with the reality that he is a morbidly obese 74-year-old man with a spray-on tan and an ingeniously structured hairdo that could be dubbed the Sat-on Beehive. At this point, his erotic allure is limited to sad-sack middle-aged men with expensive divorces, expensive pickups, lowered expectations and too many guns. He may hold the title of commander in chief, for now — and let’s not underestimate the danger in that — but he’s more like the incel in chief.

He is Impotus Americanus, no question about that. And every day, when he jolts awake, thinking that COVID-19 must be a bad dream, the stats are worse than the day before. More people are dead and dying and his polls continue to crater. All he wants to do is wake up back in February and go out there and talk about how booming the economy is, because he’s so wonderful. Is that so much to ask?

None of it’s working even a little, and after last week’s report that the U.S. economy contracted at an annual rate of nearly 33 percent in the second quarter — which is three times worse than the second-worst quarter recorded in the 73 years that such statistics have been collated — the Trumpian narrative has been reduced to shameless buck-passing and whining about the unfairness of fate, which is the behavior of losers, and of abuse victims who have grown up into abusers. A massive economic recession, more likely a depression, and what could well be 180,000 to 200,000 Americans dead by Election Day are not the kinds of headlines from which a presidency recovers. Trump and his shrinking band of courtiers can blame Barack Obama and Tony Fauci all they want, but the delusional zeal of the early Trump era has vanished, and what’s coming off those people now is the flop-sweat of desperation.

Add to this, the looming crisis in the GOP as a whole. Lindsey Graham, just as an example, comfortably walked away with reelection six years ago with a 10 point lead, against both a Democrat and an Independent. Now he’s in a statistical dead heat with his opponent. Graham may not yet be on the endangered list, but he’s not far off it, and the senators that are there are being targeted one by one, for blistering attacks, by the Lincoln Project — manned by precisely the same people who used to work to get them elected. Such is the magic spell of Donald Trump, when the boomerang effect starts. Trump’s allies don’t know whether to shit or go blind. And Trump, even through his perpetual fog of self-obsession, is aware of that fact.

Trump’s supposed Republican allies, while still fearful of his fanatical voter base, have begun to back away from him, none too subtly. Needless to say, that has nothing to do with any version of political principle or any respect for “democratic norms”; the Republican Party left those things by the roadside a generation ago. For so-called leaders like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, the issue now is simply survival: Their immediate task is to limit the damage of what they clearly understand will be a November bloodbath, and then to position themselves amid the ugly intra-party power struggle that is sure to follow. Their union with Trump was always a marriage of convenience, and they always knew no actual loyalty was involved on either side. Now that the convenience has evaporated, it probably feels good — in a small-minded, sadomasochistic register — to be the ones dumping Trump rather than the other way around.

I’m quite sure that McCarthy and McConnell, along with many other prominent Republicans, cannot wait to be rid of Donald Trump and are already rehearsing various death-of-Stalin monologues that range from “well, he expressed the true greatness of America but” to “honestly, I never really knew the guy.” What they may discover, however, is that the Republican Party after Trump is something like John Hurt’s character in “Alien” after the face-hugger falls off. He seems fine and normal! But as the robot scientist knows, he’s been impregnated with something awful, and once it gets a decent feed down there in the gummy darkness, it’s bustin’ out.

Death of Stalin is an apt metaphor here. There is going to be a profound realignment of power in the Republican party after the toxic waste dump with a comb over that has been the GOP standard bearer these past four years, either leaves the stage voluntarily or is escorted it off it by the Secret Service.

There’s a tremendous moment in the movie, “Judgement At Nuremburg” where the Burt Lancaster character, a German judge, now being convicted of war crimes, is talking to the American judge, played by Spencer Tracy. The German judge has come to respect his American counterpart and so he decides to come clean with him, man to man. He says, “You must believe me. We never thought it would get to where it got.” Spencer Tracy looks him in the eye and says, “it got there the first time you sentenced a man guilty that you knew to be innocent,” and Lancaster visibly shrivels, as this horrible truth dawns on him and he realizes Tracy is right. For the GOP it got there during the primaries, when Trump was insulting everybody and they allowed it. It got there when Reince Priebus wanted to pull the plug after pussy-gate and he was prevented. It got there when a complicit senate voted to acquit a man that they knew to be guilty as hell. The GOP didn’t get where it is overnight, it’s been on this path either 40 or 60 years, depending upon who you talk to.

Now the GOP, like the German judge, like Trump, is cowering, my God, how did it come to this? How did events get so out of control? How do we survive? And the answer for a lot of them is not at all. Some new iteration of the Republican party will doubtlessly emerge Phoenix-like, when all is said and done, but for right now, it’s Fahrenheit 451 in Washington, D.C.

Trump can blame whomever he wishes, but the architect of his adversity is none other than himself. And now he has to face the fact that all the important people are deserting him, as fast as they can — and what’s left?

As Donald Trump has secretly known all along — stupid, injured manchild that he is — none of the people in the privileged classes of New York or Washington or California who pretended to love and admire him truly understood his greatness, and now that the waves are crashing over the bow they’re scurrying off the deck. He’ll be left at the end with the losers and incels and rubes in the red hats — stricken, lonely people who looked to him as a savior and for whom he feels only contempt. People he probably hates more than he hates Muslims or Mexicans or Black people, and possibly even more than he hates himself.

That is the ultimate irony, the paradox, in fact, of Trump. As Howard Stern said, the very people he appeals to are the ones he wants nothing to do with. And in the end, that’s who’s going to be left in Trump world. No celebrities, no rich people, nobody powerful, only the sad and the pathetic who thought that Donald Trump would show them how to win — for once in their lives.

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  1. I posted this little ditty on Facebook this morning but strikes me as worth repeating here: “If you’re screwed and you know it, screw your lies./If you’re screwed and you know it, screw your lies. If you’re screwed and you know it/and your numbers really show it,/If you’re screwed and you know it, screw your lies.”

    • What is extraordinary about this process we’re witnessing, is that Trump only knew how to outrage and pull triggers. He never had a policy. So he built a house without a foundation. And now the walls are coming a tumbelin’ down.

      • Well, it’s how he also “built” his various businesses, so less of a surprise to me. The man always struck me as shallow, even for a Republican.

      • His foundation is himself and his lies, and so when he goes, the lies are all they’ll have left. And yet they keep trying to move farther to the right, where there are fewer and fewer people to use as a base.

    • Thanks, Elizabeth. When all is said and done, Trump did himself in. He created the COVID-19 crisis and the economic fallout. If he had been a different person, and gotten on top of it early, he could have been a hero. But being who he is, he followed his warped instincts and did what was stupid and selfish. And now he is reaping the reward.

  2. The end of Trump.
    Miranda Allison Young
    (Copyright 2020)

    He stands at the edge of the swamp which he swore that he would drain. But he did not do it, and now he will greatly regret it. He falls, face first, and begins flailing around in that deep, stinking swamp water as he slowly sinks further and further down to the bottom where the sucking evil things live which will slowly take his life. He gropes around in that nauseatingly putrid, fetid, foul, rancid water, trying to find something to grab onto so he can climb out, but it is useless. There is nothing but the slippery edges of the swamp and his hands slide off. Slowly, slowly, they take him. Piece by piece, tiny bite after tiny bite they take out of him with their extremely sharp teeth. Nibble by nibble, slowly, and more slowly they chew on his obese, flabby body. Now, he is feeling pain like no one else has ever known. Excruciating pain. Stabbing pain, that crawls down his spinal column and into his genitals. Squirmy things, these creatures are, and ugly like no ugliness has ever been known. Down in the incredible darkness he now is, where he cannot see what is crawling across all the nerve endings in his body, but he can feel each one of them. He tries frantically to move away from them, but it is useless. They will not let him. They are heavier than anything he has ever known, pressing him down against the squishy surface of the bottom of the swamp. He gasps, trying to breathe, but the squirmy things slide into his mouth, slithering down his throat, into his stomach, and all the way to the bottom and out. He can feel every wiggle that they make. Slowly, slowly, slowly, now from both inside and outside, they take him, bit by bit, until he is gone. gone. gone. The swamp is now empty of life. Even the squirmy things have disappeared, and the swamp cleans itself, having fulfilled its duty, and is a beautiful lake.

  3. Does he really know it? I have my doubts. A malignant narcissist never takes defeat because of self – it’s always someone else’s fault. I don’t believe he thinks he’s going to lose. Vlad’s in his ear telling him how he’s going to help him win.

    He will always have his followers. I stuck with my narcissist mother for 67 years and stopped calling her two months before she died. I couldn’t take it anymore – but I took it for SIXTY SEVEN YEARS! Narcissists use FOG (fear, obligation and guilt) to keep their folks close. 45 does that big time. We shall see what happens but him believing he will lose – he can’t believe that. It’s how he’s wired.

    • When Mike Tyson woke up after being knocked out by buster Douglas, he asked what happened. He was told he had been knocked out. He didn’t believe it. Malignant narcissists, have no regard for anyone but the distorted perception of themselves. Unless stopped, he would destroy the world before he allowed himself to be destroyed. After all, in his view, they are one & the same.

    • I think he does know it. Trump likes to play his ignorant card in public. He’s not as stupid as he comes across. Vlad is pushing him hard but he’s too lazy & full of cowardice to follow through completely and neither Vlad nor Trump and his GOP-Nazi party has come up against a force as persistent as the American Resistance.

      Trump knows it 100% down to his bones that he’s already lost the vote and his popularity has shrunk down to his 25% most extreme right-wing radical base. He also knows if he fails/loses, Vlad will send his FSB agents to whack him because he knows too much and once he’s no longer in power he’s of ZERO use to Vlad. Trump’s already preparing plans to flee the US to Saudi Arabia or Brazil, but not before punishing the American people in retribution as much as possible over the next 5 months.

      Predicting he will up the ante by attempting to kill as many Americans as he can using COVID-19, a fake vaccine that kills, joblessness, homelessness, starvation, loss of medical insurance, loss of social security/Medicaid/Medicare and anything else he can attempt to use to destroy as much of our country’s fabric, infrastructure, environment and economy as possible.

      Yes, he’s a malignant narcissist, but he’s far worse. He’s a sadist same as Hitler. He derives great personal pleasure in watching others suffer and die. He’s also a psychic vampire, a predator and a parasite incapable of love. He has no true friends.

      Trump now hates being President and hates the USA and will be seeking extreme ultimate revenge. We’re in danger territory now. Trump, Barr and the GOP-Nazis bought out by Vlad will seek any false flag excuse to declare Martial Law to postpone or eliminate the election. Trump may be desperate enough to attempt to start a war against Iran launching some of the 1000’s of “low-level” nukes he approved for Bolton and Pompeo to build that was retrofitted onto conventional missiles and torpedos in the past 3 years after pulling us out of all previous nuclear arms treaties. He may even attempt to launch some on Dem cities in Dem states and claim we were attacked by illegals living in the US. Don’t think he’ll be successful because he’ll be stopped by some of the Generals who also made sure he purposely was not given the correct nuclear codes.

      Despite all GOP/foreign assisted rigging already in place using rigged GOP owned electronic voting machines, all the massive election fraud being perpetrated by the GOP, all the violence and threats from his fake patriot militia to stop the voting by anyone but themselves …. even after all that… because of the landslide of voters who will still come out for Biden/against Trump….. some form of the election will proceed & predict Biden should be declared President by Thanksgiving.

      Also predicting Trump and his craven supporters will attempt to de-ligitimize the Biden victory result & claim VERY LOUDLY vote fraud and that Trump is the true President for at least 4 more years. Expect an intense legal fight possibly devolving into armed attacks as some of the GOP-Nazis attempt to start a civil war. This will result in the ultimate need for physical removal of the GOP-Nazis from illegally occupying the White House in January 2021.

      It is only then – sometime in January – after every last corrupt illegal card has been played by the GOP-Nazis that I expect Trump will show he is the greatest COWARD in the history of the US. He will attempt to flee the US in the dead of night to prevent himself being physically arrested and removed. He will have promised to take his immediate Trump Family with him, but he will double-cross them and leave them all behind. He will show even his most ardent brainwashed lemming supporters that even they were conned by Don the Con – whether they wish to admit it publicly or not.

      Finally, we survivors will be left to pick up the pieces of what is left of the US with Biden in charge.

      Wish Trumpelthinskin and all the GOP-Nazis in power backing him would be removed NOW to prevent what Trump is planning over the next 5 months – but don’t see any rush of urgency to remove Trump before the Nov 3 election. If only hindsight was 20/20 – he would have been censored, charged with treason and serving time in the federal pen by now. Please stay safe, survive and end this nightmare by voting in Biden – by drop-off, mail-in ballot or in person!

      • I hope you will excuse me, Steve, for thinking that scenario requires more working brain cells than he’s been shown to have. One thing he’s NOT faking is his ruined health, no matter how much he hides it. And part of that is his rotted brain. Look for future plays to be less Third Reich and more Keystone Kops.

    • He wouldn’t be flailing quite so badly if he didnt have an instinct for it.
      Even subconsciously. But the GOP does know. He is inhumanly danaged goods. They otoh have no excuse.

  4. When you look to a pathetic loser as your leader WTF do you expect? Sorry, I forgot that the Tangerine Terdbucket’s sheeple believe in magic…

    • The low information people don’t see him as a loser. They see the gilt-edged penthouse and the model wife and the private jet. They fact that he’s only got these things because of inherited wealth and defrauding people escapes them.


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