The faux Christians are serving up a heady brew of paranoia and outright fear every single day, either from the pulpit or via right-wing media channels. As you listen to this next clip, you’ll see all the right-wing talking points joined together: anti-vaxxing, the Big Lie, and he obliteration of the white man. This is where the Nazi comparisons come in, fear of ethno-cleansing of the whites by those dirty furriners and hotshot liberals.

Right-wing media wants people to believe that major social upheaval is right around the corner, the corollary to that being that only Donald Trump can save you. If you’re in a class of persons that only Trump can save, you are in a world of hurt indeed.

It’s pretty unbelievable that anybody listens to this, but they are. This guy is far and away not the only one of his breed.

When this Trump As Savior Of The Church nonsense first started being promulgated, it floored me. The idea that the most godless man ever to darken the doorstep of the White House, let alone serve in our highest office, was somehow going to preserve religion was stupendous. But this is being preached by the far-right. It’s all a part of a grievance package, “they” are giving those horrible gays rights and isn’t that terrifying, there goes the family. And now “they” have stolen the election and if you let them get away with it, it’s all over, Nazi holocaust style. Enter Marjorie Taylor Greene, stage right, to tell you the sordid details.

Live in fear and terror and vote for the biggest simpletons you can, because while they’re lying to your face they’re simultaneously reaching around and picking your pocket. That’s the part that doesn’t get through somehow.

They have a strange concept of God and an even stranger one of how life works in general. And there is zero comprehension of how government works, let alone democracy.

This is about control of the masses, plain and simple. Time to pull the tax exemption from these folks. The right-wing pastors are talking as much about politics as we do here on a political blog. Where’s our tax exemption?

And ironically, the people who hang out here are a lot more godly, generous and truly Christian than any of these hatemongers and their lobotomized acolytes.

And we won’t even touch upon the irony that there’s a decent Catholic man in the White House and yet they believe that the whoring reality TV actor is more attuned to the will of the Almighty.

Life in America, 2021.

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  1. I am a prophet. Very psychic in fact. I see Hank Kunneman getting Covid and dying. He just might be another Russian “useful idiot” and if not for Russia, just a flaming, f*cking idiot anyway.

  2. tRump opened the door. Every narcissist, every god-complexed control freak thinks this is their time to take advantage of the rubes, fleece the sheeple. It worked for their hero, why not give it a try?


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