I guess some brownie points are in order now for saying the quiet part out loud. Candor is always refreshing.  Shane Vaughn, who claims that climate change is all in the mind, among other things, has come to the quite correct conclusion that in a democracy the majority cannot be defeated — unless we’re talking about the vagueries of the Electoral College. In that instance, a lot of very untoward outcomes have unfortunately taken place.

The Electoral College is all that the right wing has left and at least they’re coming out and admitting it. You have to admire it in a way, “we have to cheat to win.” So you do. Voter suppression, gerrymandering and now rewrite the constitution to allow a means for the minority to win.

This would be an interesting philosophy coming from anybody in public life, but coming from a purported Man of God? Here’s Vaughn’s plan(s).

Whines like a three-year-old doesn’t he?

Fearmongering 101. Convince the whites that the fact that they’re a statistical minority means that they’re going to be extinct soon. And coming from a “Christian” pastor, the religion of inclusivity and love, this is really a hoot.

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  1. I think a comment about Trump the Superhero in your prior piece was wrong. THIS asshat (and others) have tapped into Trump’s blurring of movies and reality and convinced him that he’s really Palpatine and he’s going to declare himself as the New Galactic Emperor – with this and other “Reverends” in the background proclaiming this is “God’s will.”

  2. Point him at the 17th amendment, which gave that power to the voters and removed it from state legislators, because we’re supposed be a democracy, not an oligarchy or a monarchy.

  3. So majority rule is suddenly “unfair” because Rs cannot win? Hey, Shane, majority rules is democracy What you obviously want is a theocracy,,I suspect. Not only no, but hell.no, fuck no, and fuck you, Shane.
    If Rs,want to start winning, they nerd an actual.platform other than,”We’re right, Jesus loves us and hates everyone else and you’re all going to hell unless you vote Republican, women need to have a lot more babies, and PoC need to.learn their place.”

  4. Wait, aren’t Senators elected by a majority vote in their state?
    Kinda like electors.
    The EC needs to be abolished and if Jan 6 didn’t show Repugs will try to exploit it, nothing will.
    The only reason it still exists is, it benefits the GOP.
    If one time a candidate with an R next to their name won the popular vote but lost the Electoral, it would be abolished the next day.


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