It’s interesting to see a Trumpite become deprogrammed. Maybe Rusty Bowers, the Arizona state representative who testified in front of the January 6 Committee and got censured for doing so by the Arizona GOP, can hold seminars and tell us how it’s done. Bowers has caught heat from both sides for the January 6 Committee appearance. Members of the right told him he was a “traitor” and those on the left were amazed that despite what happened in 2020, Bowers said he would vote for Trump again. Not any more.

Bowers has his own political life to worry about now, thanks to doing the patriotic thing and appearing before the January 6 Committee. That incensed Trump. ABC News:

“Rusty Bowers, he’s a RINO [‘Republican in name only’] coward who participated against the Republican party in the totally partisan unselect committee of political thugs and hacks the other day, and disgraced himself, and he disgraced the state of Arizona,” he told a crowd in Prescott Valley, Arizona, on July 22.

In response, Bowers told [Jonathan] Karl, “I have thought at times, someone born how he was, raised how he was — he has no idea what a hard life is, and what people have to go through in the real world. He has no idea what courage is, and the last place on Earth that I would want to do evil would be the state of Arizona.”

A fifth-generation Arizonan, Bowers has held state public office for 17 years. Bowers has, like other Republicans who have broken with the former President, faced harassment and threats.

“How do you explain the hold that he has, though, on, on Republicans, including a lot of Republican leaders right here in Arizona?” Karl asked Bowers.

“Well, those leaders in Arizona are an interesting group in and of themselves. They rule by thuggery and intimidation,” Bower said. “So, you know, they, they found a niche, they found a way and it’s fear. And people can use fear, demagogues like to use fears as a weapon. And they weaponize everything. That’s not leadership to me to use thuggery.”

Let’s hope that Bowers is right about this.

“I’ll never vote for him,” Bowers replied. “But I won’t have to, because I think America’s tired. And there’s absolutely forceful, qualified, morally, defensible, and upright people. And that’s what I want. That’s what I want in my party. And that’s what I want to see.”

When asked if former President Trump could ever be trusted in a position of authority again, Bowers said, “I would certainly hope not. I certainly don’t trust that authority that he would exercise.”

The paradox of Donald Trump is that while he was born to great wealth and is utterly oblivious to what the average person in this world experiences in a normal life on this planet, because he’s such an underdeveloped and ignorant fool, he comes across like one of the average Joes who vote for him. That’s his genius.

He sounds like a “regular guy” simply because even though he was born into a situation where educational and cultural opportunities aplenty were available to him, he didn’t bother to learn anything or to develop himself personally, beyond learning to cheat at golf. He’s just a TV watching, McDonald’s noshing clown. And so the rubes — people he wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire, because he only likes celebrities — think he’s one of them and they adore him.

That’s his secret. He’s been compared any number of times to Chance the Gardener in Being There, who also did nothing but watch TV and improbably climbed to great heights. Both Chance the Gardener and Donald Trump were hyper-insulated freaks of low intelligence. Trump’s wealth insulated him, Gardener was a charity case. Both were kept from the reality of making a living and learning how to function in the world. It really is the same phenomenon.

We live in a world dominated by television. Television is the boob tube and Donald Trump is the king boob. He was born for the tube and the tube loves him. The camera always lies and Trump is one of the people who it lies in favor of.  And he has wreaked havoc with our political system the past seven years.

His influence is on the wane, but make no mistake: He took the GOP and this country, both, back about 30 or 40 years. It’s going to take a while for us to straighten things out again. Trump may be gone, but MAGA is with us.

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  1. I prefer the new MAGA – Moms Against Greg Abbott. I’m amazed it took Mr. Bowers this long to conclude that the Orange Blob is, in fact, a menace.

  2. Reason he’s waking up – he has been personally impacted by 45. He will now be getting even more death threats. If he hadn’t been impacted – he’d still vote for him. Don’t forget that!

    • You’re so right. I have no respect for these gopers who propped up the mango moron for 7 years and only now come out and admit what a f-ing jerk he is. Too little and way too late!

  3. If Rusty Bowers is the good Mormon he professes to be, then he would never vote republicanagain, as the current philosophy is far removed from the teachings Christ gave, according to his top church leaders as they possibly can be. And contrary to what passes for Christianity today, I have never seen Mormons attempt to impose their religion on others, even though where they are in the political majority, their influence is felt. Even so, they make allowances for those who do not believe their way.

  4. I happen to live in Utah and while I’m certainly in the minority religion-wise, I’ve only been asked once by Mormon missionaries if I wanted to know more about their faith and my answer was no. They’ve left me alone since then but I have had Mormon business partners, good and bad as well as employees and not once did the subject come up. Mutual respect.

  5. I’m glad to hear it. I can’t exactly explain why, but as I watched him testifying, I found mysekf liking him as a person. I’m sorry he’s still Republican, but I’m glad he had dumped Trump**

    And WRT Mormons – some f that depends on how old you are.I remember Mormon missionaries coming door to door in the fifties and early sixties. After the mid secenties, not so much/.


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