The redundancy would be cloying if the sheer tone deaf stupidity of it wasn’t so hilarious. The Runt Rasputin of Florida, the GOP Sultan of Somnolence, is trying to sleep walk his way through yet another Florida crisis while he runs around the country like Indiana Jones, desperately searching for a clue.

Here’s the 411. Farmers Insurance today became the 4th major insurance company to announce they are saying goom-bye to the state of Florida, leaving some 100,000 Florida residents sans home insurance coverage. DeathSantis’s automatic response? WOKE Farmers is about to become the Bud Light on insurance companies.

Wait, wait, WHAT?! What does that sh*t even mean? All Farmers did was to announce they were pulling out of Florida. Nowhere in the statement did they give him sh*t about his Don’t Say Gay law, hammer DeSantis for turning Florida schools into the 1937 Berlin school system, or his lame habit of rewarding people who had spent four months walking from El Salvador to Texas with a private jet ride to the luxury island of Martha’s Vineyard. In fact Farmers went out of its way to ensure all and sundry that this was purely a business decision.

Let me make this as simple as I can, so that even someone like DeSantis, with an anaesthesia needle permanently implanted in his arm get get it through the drug induced sleep. Not every single adverse thing that happens to either you personally, or the state of Florida is a direct reflection on your Cro-Magnon ideology and policies!

Look Mr. Sominex. You have to have insurance to drive a car, right? If you have an accident, the insurance company raises your rates, right? If you have a 2nd accident, you need a 2nd mortgage to make your car insurance payments. And if you have a 3rd accident, your insurance company drops you like a dead rat, and you’re scrounging around for a bottom feeder company that will let you keep driving. There is nothing political about this, it’s purely business. 

And quit your pissing and whining, because not only are you not the only one, you’re not even the first one. For the last couple of years now, California has been losing insurance companies the way husbands lose directions. Insurance companies are pulling out of states or portions of states susceptible to frequent or annual flooding due to heavy rains. Companies that stick around are putting caps on their coverage. If your house floods, the insurance company will rebuild it. If it happens again, they’ll only pay to rebuild if you move to higher ground.

Dude, for real, like almost your entire state is something like 20′ above sea level or less. The streets of Miami regularly flood on sunny days when offshore currents push the ocean into the street sewer system, and it backfills and overflows into the streets. And since you get plenty of rain anyway, the ground is already saturated, and rips for low level flooding in a heavy storm, even without 110 mph winds.

Helpful Hint. Political slogans are ducky for political campaigns, but when somebody is affected personally, they don’t mean diddly squat. Right now you have some 100,000 constituents who are suddenly scrambling for a way to keep their homes by getting replacement homeowners insurance, and they’d kind of like a little leadership and guidance from Tallahassee to reassure them that this is going to be alright. At the moment, the one they’d really like to be WOKE is you, instead of asleep at the switch.

But don’t listen to the likes of me. You keep it up with that WOKE crap, you’re knocking it out of the park. With the 19% of GOP primary voters who wish that Duck Dynasty and the Psychic friends Network would come back. But the next time you can’t figure out why you’re down 20 points to Traitor Tot in your home state, try taking a long look in the mirror. Ron DeSantis, Stand up and take a bow, FOOL! 

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  1. …..and I’m sure the banks that hold the liens on these homes will just let it slide that their investment is no longer insured as banks LOVE to be left holding the bag….


    …..but take heart Floriduh Man…….the good news is the bank WILL make sure their investment is properly insured by providing you coverage…….the bad news is your premiums are going to go up 200-400%.

  2. When we bought our first house together in Texas we reached out to get home insurance. State Farm had just pulled out of Texas because of a big rise in mold claims. We went with Farmers because they were one of the few home insurance companies in Texas.

    Of course the solution became limited liability for insurance carriers for mold insurance (passed by the republican legislature) which brought them back to Texas. So once State Farm could make money again in Texas they came back in because they didn’t have to cover all the mold claims.

    This is where we are now. Florida, California, hurricanes and wild fires. insurance companies aggregate risk. but when there are so many claims in a particular state they lose money. Basically insurance is a gambling operation. Like a casino. If the casino loses money it closes. Florida is a bad bet and that is why insurance companies are pulling out until they can make enough money to cover future claims.

    Fun fact, house fires and apartment fires are down significantly. People don’t smoke as much and additions like smoke detectors, fire walls, and fire retardent building materials have reduced fire hazards. The cost for insurance companies for an individual fire has gone down. Ever wonder why you see fire trucks deploying to traffic accidents on freeways. It is because reduced fire incidents leave them little else to do. That is a net benefit for all of us.

    What is increasing costs for insurance companies is Climate Change. Florida is a hot mess. Increased flooding, increased wind damage. California is up there with wild fires.
    Pulling out means there has to be a major reset like with Texas and mold claims or they know the insurance companies won’t be able to make enough money to pay off the claims. Insurance rates for climate events like hurricanes and wild fires will continue to rise. It affects everyone. Insurance companies are the canaries in the coal mines. They know through their data how much each event costs and how much everyone else must pay to cover it.

    • For decades, insurance companies have taken climate change into account when setting premiums. But being a generally conservative industry, they were silent about political and legal efforts to address climate change. Well, they’re speaking up now by pulling out of certain states. FWIW, the companies will usually continue existing policies as long as the policy holder keeps paying premiums. But once a claim is filed, bye-bye coverage.

  3. Seems like Farmer’s Insurance needs to add a new verse to the commercial song:

    We are Farmer’s, duh duh duh duh duh.
    We ain’t in Florida, duh duh duh duh duh!

  4. It amazes me that DeSantis has allowed insurance companies to raise rates to usury levels along with being able to pull out of states for reasons like they actually have to pay out claims. However, the C-suite level executives still make fat bonuses when they are supposedly bankrupt.

  5. Insurance is legalized extortion. And, it’s forced on us. Have a car? Must be insured. Need to file a claim? Even if you’ve paid into it for 25 years with no incidents/accidents, and even if the claim is for less than $500 after the deductible, premiums go up for a minimum of 3 years.


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