Oh Lord, Won’t you help me, with my legal fees
Jack Smith, and some others, are tryin to jail me
I worked hard for Trump, and I did it for free
Oh Lord, Won’t you help me, with my legal fees
(Revision of Janis Joplin’s lyrics – she’d approve I’m sure!)

Remember a while back when you first read that Trump was going to host a legal fees fundraiser for Rudy Giuliani at his Bedminster, NJ Golf Club?  Be honest now – was your first reaction to check and see if the story was from The Onion?  Or maybe the latest bit of snark from Any Borowitz?  And, upon realizing this was apparently for real was your second reaction “Who in the HELL is going to cough up a hundred grand a plate for this?”  If Trump could raise this kind of dough he’d be hosting such events for himself at least once a month.  Rudy?  It’s literally laughable.  According to this story on Yahoo News:

The $100,000-a-plate fundraiser at Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., golf club was expected to raise more than $1 million for the former New York City mayor, Giuliani’s son, Andrew, said. Trump has also committed to hosting a second event for Giuliani at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Andrew Giuliani noted.

Let’s leave aside the matter of another “fundraiser” down at Mar A Lago and just focus on last night’s.  I have thoughts and prayers questions.  Such as:

  • Why after blowing off Rudy’s troubles for so long would Trump suddenly feel like helping him out?  (Well, the obvious thing is that Trump would be demanding a helluva cut of the action.  However, he’s not had his Jeff Sessions toy for many years now and Rudy might provide him some of that old fun via a humiliating fundraiser flop or two.)
  • Who actually showed up?  What glittering cast of fabulously rich folks made the trek to Bedminster to fete Rudy? (and Trump of course!)
  • The big one – How much was actually raised last night?  That my friends it still a mystery.   I got interrupted this morning while working on this article.  It’s almost 1pm where I live so I did a quick online search and still can’t find any story about how much money was actually donated to Rudy G. last night.  Or even “pledged” which would be donor speak for “some stuff is going on with the accountants but give me a routing number and I’ll forward a donation… soon.”

I came to believe shortly after learning this whole thing was real that it was mostly just Trump wanting to have some fun at Rudy’s expense.  I mean seriously, WHO was going to cough up 110k a plate, or even for an entire table to pay Rudy’s legal fees?  It must really suck to be Rudy these days but today, “America’s Mayor” has to be feeling so low as to be feeling like he’s buried under a huge pile of shark shiite at the bottom of the ocean.  And Trump?  He’s laughing his fat orange ass off over the whole thing!

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    • His shameless self-promotion was a trait long before 9/11 but he took things to a whole new level exploiting that event. The actual story about his poor management and decision making (where he ignored solid and good advice from those who actually knew sh*t) led to things being worse than they should have been. Maybe that’s why he and Trump were pals for so long – both saw in each other someone capable of grandiose self-promotion.

  1. I suspected, from the start, that this fundraiser would be like the one he said would benefit veterans. Remember that? I’m sure all the specifics will fade away and 45 will hope no one is paying attention.

  2. Trailers for sale or rent
    Rooms to let, 50 cents
    No phone, no pool, no pets
    I ain’t got no cigarettes

    Ah, but, two hours of pushing broom
    Buys an eight by twelve four bit room
    I’m a man of means by no means
    King of the road. Roger Miller
    Damn Roger…that describes Ghouliani to a tee!!!!

  3. I saw on cnn maybe that they raised one million dollars (said with a Mike Myers voice). That means 10 people showed up with the cash. Knowing trump all too well, we suspect he took a cut of that for using bedminster.


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