I wonder if Ronny Jackson writes himself prescriptions or if this is pure booze talking. It’s 3:00 p.m. in Texas at the time of this writing, butttt, it is Saturday so Happy Hour may have started early. Or, for aught that we known, Dr. Jackson may have just come to after his last bender.

In any event, Jackson is leading the charge up the Mar-a-Lago hill, the FBI “raid” being the hill that the GOP has vowed to die upon, apparently.

It’s all a plot.

Now where this conspiracy theory falls apart at first blush is with two glaring facts: One, every FBI director so far has been Republican, and two, a white male.

Add to those facts, the small detail that Donald Trump himself appointed Christopher Wray after firing James Comey and you see how Ronny Jackson’s allegations of a hit squad of white Republican males out to get Donald Trump become utterly ludicrous.

Even J. Edgar Hoover was a white, Republican male, despite the fact that it’s rumored that he used to wear a pink tutu and do tour jetes in his socks.

And here’s the news story, also from the same approximate time period as the Mar-a-Lago search warrant execution, that nobody in the GOP will talk about. The FBI arrested former California congressman TJ Cox on multiple counts of fraud and money laundering. Cox is charged with siphoning at least $1.7 million from companies he owned and using some of the money to fund illegal straw donations to his 2018 congressional campaign. And what have you heard the GOP say about this? Crickets. That’s all you’re going to hear, too.

The selective outrage that you will continue to hear is because Donald Trump is the subject of the same actions as TJ Cox. It’s fine when the federal government builds a case against a Democrat, it’s more than fine, but when they do the same thing against the GOP standard bearer, then they are the most corrupt organization since the Gestapo. Excuse me, the Gaspacho.


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  1. Wow! So Dr. Ronny has informed us all the FBI is now a super-duper secret “Democrat” tool law enforcement operation. Strange that they haven’t gone secret. I mean, their building still sits there in DC with FBI on it. Same with Field Offices around the country. They sent their Special Agents out who show their badges/ID when they do their jobs and regularly brief the press and put out statements. Oh, their website it still up too.

    That’s some job of hiding!

    I think he made off with a lot of pills when he lost his WH doctor gig, and has been dipping into his stash way too much.

  2. Anyone who admired frumpy’s bloated body, & stated dumpster was the healthiest president ever, is a bona fide lunatic. Are there any standards in medical school?


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