This is an interesting development. At first blush it may not seem to be that big of a deal, Ronna McDaniel getting peeved at Jenna Ellis and blocking her on Twitter. But if you parse through it a moment, it goes deeper than that. It speaks to the RNC and McDaniel distancing themselves from Ellis and all the Strikeforce Rudy nonsense. Which, considering the fact that Rudy Giuliani has had his law license suspended in both New York State and Washington, D.C., Sidney Powell is going before the Texas Bar on issues similar to Giuliani’s and the Georgia Bar is all but chasing Lin Wood with a butterfly net, is probably a good move on the RNC’s part.

This is the report she’s referring to. Business Insider:

Last November, Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis received an email that forwarded a note from Republican National Committee (RNC) chief counsel Justin Riemer, with the GOP official questioning the former president’s election claims, according to a forthcoming book by Michael Wolff.

In the note, Riemer reportedly wrote to his RNC colleagues asking why they were backing Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud, while also expressing that the organization raised more cash battling Democrats than challenging election results.

Ellis, who was having dinner with Rudy Giuliani and former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik, passed her phone around for everyone to view the message, which reportedly left them “stunned.”

According to the assembled group, it was just one more example of Trump having to fight the GOP establishment, which Wolff details in “Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency,” an early copy of which was obtained by Insider. […]

“The mayor, sitting in the restaurant but in full battle mode (and with a few drinks in him), damn well got Riemer himself on the phone: ‘Who the f— do you you think you are? How can you be going against the president? … You need to resign and resign tonight … because you are going to get fired,'” the book said.

Giuliani then reportedly called RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to ensure that the personnel change was carried out.

The order wasn’t carried out. Giuliani wasn’t able to dictate to the RNC then and he’s got even less power now. The RNC appears to be distancing itself from Strikeforce Rudy. It’s interesting that Jenna Ellis would choose to bait Ronna McDaniel. Ellis has come about as far as she’s going to get riding Trump’s coattails. It’s doubtful that she’s going to be able to amass more support in the GOP for her position than McDaniel has for hers, highly doubtful.

But the intriguing thing here is that you see the awful quandary the GOP is in. On the one hand, there’s a clear desire to distance itself from Trump’s ludicrous election fraud claims. On the other, Trump is the hero of the day at CPAC and a straw poll shows him way ahead of all other candidates for the 2024 race. It’s a little difficult to distance oneself from an anchor that’s around your neck, but we understand the desire to, and certainly Trump is dragging the GOP down.

The GOP isn’t left with too many options here. One is grooming Ron DeSantis to do an end run around Trump, and run even if Trump says he’s running again. How likely is that? Another is that some other Trump loving Republican, who is also acceptable to the old guard GOP comes out of the pack. Who might that be? Kristi Noem?

It’s pull a rabbit out of the hat time, that much is clear.


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